

  1. I have to say, after watching a few hours of older MLP (Gen 3.5) I really prefer it over Gen4. Sure the animation isn't the best, nor are the plots the best. But the feel of it and the corny jokes get me hooked. If I had to choose a favorite pony.... Scootaloo. The color scheme is just perfect!

    Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:01:08 UTC from web
    1. @trixiethewonderful

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:08:49 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Wow, whatever happened to Love and Tolerate, big fella?

        Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:09:19 UTC from web
        1. @trixiethewonderful What is love and tolerate? I only recognize quality standards. Element of honesty and stuff. Honestly, it was more of a joke than anything. You can like whatever you want. I just can't pass up an opportunity to make fun of people for liking older gens.

          Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:10:51 UTC from web
          1. @abigpony Fair enough.

            Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:11:35 UTC from web