

  1. A month ago the SPLC labeled ex-Muslim atheist speakers to be anti-Islam hate extremists. That ought to tell you everything you need to know about what grapebag organizations like the SPLC are about.

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 01:03:17 UTC from
    1. @moonman how can you be pro-safespace and pro-islam at the same time? I don't get it.

      Monday, 16-Jan-17 01:05:31 UTC from
      1. @lambadalambda brown people oppressive structures can be overlooked because they didn't know no better

        Monday, 16-Jan-17 01:08:55 UTC from
    2. @moonman The goal is likely perpetuating the moral poverty the group's named after.

      Monday, 16-Jan-17 09:10:48 UTC from web