

  1. Today I experienced something for the first time that almost everyone takes for granted. Throwing up... It tasted like... Crystal Clear Sparkling Lemon... Nothing in the world could have prepared me for THAT.

    Monday, 26-Aug-19 17:04:14 UTC from web
    1. @drinkingpony My barf tastes like super acidly malty bread. Usually the thing I ate a while before.

      Monday, 26-Aug-19 17:32:30 UTC from web
      1. @adiwan Mine doesn't have a standard flavor other than a distorted version of what I ate recently.

        Monday, 26-Aug-19 18:14:44 UTC from web
        1. @scribus BARF!™ The disgusting version of your favorite food.

          Monday, 26-Aug-19 18:34:45 UTC from web
          1. @adiwan Favorite ?

            Normally I would pull a Goku from DBZA here

            But I really, REALLY do not feel like any food would favorite me back right now.

            Except for maybe weak soup.

            Monday, 26-Aug-19 20:03:16 UTC from web
          2. @adiwan To this day I do not like Hot Cheetos because of a taste memory of half a pound of them in reverse

            Monday, 26-Aug-19 21:52:37 UTC from web