Firestorm's home timeline


  1. Battle Gem Ponies 1 Year Later...

    Check out this video about the development journey so far and the upcoming changes to how we do things here at YotesMark

    If you're in a rush, the short summary is that the game won't be out for another 12-16 months, the merch store is closing in October so if you want extra shirts better grab 'em now, the physical Kickstarter rewards will start going out in October (excluding all the stuff that won't come 'til release), and we have far reaching plans to make Battle Gem Ponies a full-fledged series when this is all said and done.

    We're looking forward to all the updates to come over the next year and are eternally grateful for every backer's help in making it possible.

    Saturday, 10-Sep-22 05:58:35 UTC from web

    • Released to celebrate the 1 Year Anniversary of the Kickstarter that made this project possible!

      Download Here:
      In This Demo You'll Find:
      - New Battle Mechanics
      - More Team Customization Options
      - A Lively Island Overworld to Explore
      - A New Shop & Currency System
      - 12 New Pony Ultra Forms
      - More Advanced Battle AI
      - Improved HUD/UI
      - And a Bangin' New Boss Fight Track!

      Sunday, 04-Sep-22 05:00:41 UTC from web
      • Talking about ULTRA TRANSFORMATIONS in the 6th Battle Gem Ponies Devlog!

        Tuesday, 16-Aug-22 22:41:36 UTC from web
        • The beefiest update yet, and we're still not finished! Another Demo is on the way. Look out for the Free Public Demo on August 25th, just in time for Everfree Northwest.

          Friday, 05-Aug-22 22:41:19 UTC from web
          • Big thanks to everypony that stopped by to play our game at TrotCon!

            Sunday, 17-Jul-22 22:31:42 UTC from web
            • I spoiled myself with a game treat and bought the game Tunic. It's a fine game. It is a cross between Zelda and Dark Souls. I had quite some fun but oh boy it is hard. Thankfully there is an accessibility option to make it easy. I used it only two times because my thumbs were already hurting enough and I didn't want to start a boss fight 100 times over. It is best to get into the game blind. I do admit that I looked up stuff at the end of the game because the puzzles to get the true ending are hard as heck and I have a life beyond that game.

              Monday, 27-Jun-22 20:04:49 UTC from web
            • New Horizons on PINTO ISLAND! | Battle Gem Ponies Devlog #
              See the culmination of all our gamedev efforts this Spring!

              Monday, 27-Jun-22 17:37:50 UTC from web
              • We'll Be Vending Again at Everfree Northwest 2022!!
                So very excited to see people's reactions to how far the game has come over the past year.

                Saturday, 23-Apr-22 01:27:26 UTC from web
                • Got a little somethin for all the patient BGP supporters out there... A brand new demo showing off the Overworld we've been working on since August!

                  Enjoy your stay on Pinto Island ~

                  Sunday, 10-Apr-22 17:53:24 UTC from web
                • You got any ideas why Ostatus wount let me remote sub on baraag? Also does it allow me to see posts or just a easy follow button? @ceruleanspark

                  Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 07:04:09 UTC from web
                  • Much rejoicing for the demo bein live @tonyyotes

                    Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 07:01:42 UTC from web
                    • Hey can anyone shout out why remote connection doesnt allow some users and does others? I got some on here, then tried to add one and the system cant find it now

                      Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 06:48:39 UTC from web
                      • Here you go kids

                        Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 06:42:43 UTC from web
                      • it is kind of a long shot, but are any of you nerds good with that Julia programing language?

                        Wednesday, 30-Mar-22 14:17:33 UTC from web
                      • ay do site managers still come on here from time to time?

                        Saturday, 02-Oct-21 18:40:26 UTC from web
                      • anyway, i bouth my 18th console recently. I usually dont like digital only stuff, but this gens been looking rater boring so far, so i only wanted a cheap gamepass machine. currently playing bug fables

                        Thursday, 02-Sep-21 23:30:36 UTC from web
                      • Is this thing on?

                        Sunday, 15-Aug-21 18:35:48 UTC from web
                      • So has anyone ported Doom to the Virtual Boy, and do they make a good VB emulator for a VR headset yet? !vgp

                        Sunday, 01-Aug-21 17:44:27 UTC from web
                      • When I look at the boxes of Horse stuff I have shoved away*

                        Tuesday, 03-Aug-21 10:20:31 UTC from web
                        • So do people still talk about mlp here?

                          Sunday, 01-Aug-21 05:43:38 UTC from web
                        • If me not wearing a mask increases the likelihood of someone who choose not to get vaccinated to get COVID, I see that as a good thing. I'm sorry for the immunocompromised who get caught in the crossfire.

                          Tuesday, 27-Jul-21 23:59:22 UTC from web
                        • =0

                          Monday, 02-Aug-21 12:21:43 UTC from web
                          • I'm not big into LEGO but somehow I want a Star Wars Clone Wars Gunship set.

                            Thursday, 15-Jul-21 19:19:37 UTC from web
                          • E-mails asking me if I wanna be harder and longer, meanwhile I've been hard long enough and just wanna mellow, man....

                            Friday, 16-Jul-21 18:06:17 UTC from web
                          • So, i'm in my PhD now, i got a cotutelle scholarship with the university of Lorraine, in france (i speak nearly nothing of french tho, so my first time going to france qas a hell of an adventure. Brazil is even messier than before and i might have gotten even more reclusive than before (though now i'm much more well paid :'v )

                            Friday, 11-Jun-21 01:55:19 UTC from web
                          • My bois

                            Thursday, 10-Jun-21 04:33:09 UTC from web
                          • @scribus To answer the question I just got via email, the server is a basic digitalocean droplet. The $20 one. Depending on how much traffic you're expecting, you could easily run a couple of instances on there.

                            Wednesday, 07-Apr-21 22:48:40 UTC from web
                          • i logged out for like 8 months and now email notifs are working again

                            Sunday, 21-Mar-21 23:40:46 UTC from web
                          • Playing Metal Gear Solid again... I bodyslammed Meryl while she was disguised because I recognized her walk cycle and I wanted to see what would happen. Nothing happens, she just sprints into her next cutscene to prevent you from impeding her any further. And then she still claims to have gotten the jump on you.

                            Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 08:21:12 UTC from web
                            • @zeldatra Borderlands II. A bad case of "You need to kill the boss before he pushes the doomsday button!" And then you kill them, with an acid rocket to the nards, all the way across the arena... and wait for a monologue, and a dead guy to push the cussing button anyway. It got to where I wasn't invested in the story missions because I knew nothing I accomplished would accomplish anything. !vgp # maybe?

                              Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 18:38:04 UTC in context
                            • @scribus This is why I always enjoyed the mostly-unscripted nature of the later Fallouts & Elder Scrolls. New Vegas particularly introduces you to a major antagonist (or ally, if you choose to go that route...) fairly early on, while you’re on your way to a story quest, and you can just let him do his thing, or, if you have the firepower, you can just FrankerZin shoot him and he won’t appear again for the rest of the game. (And then you can shoot his replacement later, too!)

                              Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 19:04:40 UTC in context

                            Wednesday, 23-Dec-20 06:45:22 UTC from web