keystroke groups

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  • webdesign webdesign webdesign globe

    for all the people dealing with the creation of web sites

  • Web Development webdev Web Development The Internet

    The group for web development professionals and other interested parties. No holy language wars, please. :)

  • PHP php PHP

    Server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites.

  • Coder Ponies! coderpony Coder Ponies!

    A place for all those ponies who have the computer cutie-mark! Be it C, C++, Java, Pascal, x86 Asm, Javascript, Python, all is welcome!

  • HTML html HTML The world wide web

    Discussion around HTML- and markup related technologies.

  • Prodigious Ponies prodigiousponies Prodigious Ponies San Diego, California

    A group of talent in any art form be it music, art, writing, or culinary or anything. You are welcome to this group to explore the talents of each other and be inspired by an artist-friendly board. (That just means everyone here has a substance abuse problem XD)

  • Society of Loners loners Society of Loners

    Are you alone? JOIN US!

  • The Stallions of MLP:FiM stallions The Stallions of MLP:FiM

    For all the stallions in Equestria.