Notices by naa, page 2
@pawnheart Really? What browser are you using? I use Chrome on a PC. and it works fine for me.
@ceruleanspark Well I use Twishort more predominatnley, but now I'm just being pedantic. :P
@ceruleanspark I think that I must be one of the few Bronies that doesn't use Tumblr. :P
@pawnheart Yeah, there is. There's a thread for it on UKofE.
@thelastgherkin I'm on a phone with a keyboard that's on its way out, one key's cover even came off already.
Think my friend from last Saturday's Brony meetup is still mad at/avoiding me, I signed in on Skype and shortly afterwards he signed out. A coincidence perhaps, but it ties in perfectly to him not replying to my PM's :/ Can't believe I let this happen...
@pawnheart Pretty good, may potentially going to yet another Broby meetup on June 2nd if my railcard arrives on time, Birmingham again. :) Just chilling for now though, not long woke up.
@pawnheart Hey there dude. ^^ How's it going?
Is anypony going to the Birmingham Meetup on June 2nd? If my rail card arrives in time I probably will be :) My first meetup was in Birmingham last September, indicidentally. :) !uk
Wednesday, 23-May-12 15:58:24 UTC from web -
@mrdragon I certanily hope not!
,@scribble Haha that was a good one. ^^
Now completed the application process for a 3 year rail card. Sould be sent out to me in 1 working day. ^^ Should save me some £££'s!
@scribble I think SEGA planned to bundle a chiuaua with the console, must be what gave him the impression.
@derpyshy Indeed :P
Comment on my 2009 Dreamcast Unboxing video "That is the gayest console I've ever seen" if only I had a pet Scottish Duck (YouTube LPer and friend of mine, loves the Dreamcast) to set on them :P
Currently filling out the forms to apply for a 3 year rail card, it'll certainly save me a fair few quid with all the trains I'm catching to attend Brony meetups across the UK.
Feeling a bit better than I did yesterday. Still not entirley though, I stepped on someone's toes at the Cardiff Meet on Saturday and didn't find out about it until 2 days after the event, I replied to his message where he told me what I was responsible for and he hasn't got back to me. Can't say I blame him...does bother me though as I'd known him long before the whole Brony thing came around.
Tuesday, 22-May-12 11:24:27 UTC from web -
Feeling a bit fed up tonight. Not going into detail due to potential emo, but that high I was on from two meetups one after the other is gone at this point.
Monday, 21-May-12 23:33:55 UTC from web -
The cover for the "O" key on my phone's keyboard just fell off. It's a right pain to press into now. Thank god for the on screen keyboard. !androidbronies !techponies
Monday, 21-May-12 19:19:35 UTC from web -
I am so unbelievably sick of hearing about the London 2012 Olympic Games. I thought the World Cup was hard to escape, but London 2012 is making that seem like small time. I get it's a big event but there's no need to shoe horn it into every news cast at least once.
If anypony wants to watch the vlog I made for the Cardiff meetup on Saturday, here's a link. Send me your YouTube username in a message on here. :) !uk
Monday, 21-May-12 14:17:09 UTC from web -
..@scribble Wait... A sad face?! Ermmm....ooops..^^;
@scribble Why would it have been? O_o Didja see the feedback thread on UKofE? 'Twas awesome!
Uploading the vlog from yesterday's Cardiff Brony Meetup, if anypony wants to see it for whatever reason then send me your YouTube username. :( !uk
Headed home from the Cardiff Meetup now, 'twas a great day and I can't wait to get my vlog and full write up done when I get home. ^^ !uk
Saturday, 19-May-12 20:38:13 UTC from web -
Now on the train to Cardiff Central for the Brony Meetup, if anypony from here is going I shall see you there. ^^ !uk
Saturday, 19-May-12 09:27:56 UTC from web -
@woona It really sucks, unless I have a coffee or some Monster I'm gonna be like a zombie tomorrow x.x (Or later today if you want to be pedantic)
It's 03:49am and I'm attempting to get to sleep for the Cardiff Meetup tomorrow...with little success, despite having been tired beforeand x.x Sod's law would dictate this'd happen.
I love Tom and Jerry, but why on Twitter does the trending topic have loads of tweets relating to Justin Beiber?:S #CallingTheIgnoranceCard #SoConfused
Friday, 18-May-12 18:33:31 UTC from web -
@cavatina I should really be at my nan's with my room being in the state it's in, but I need to be here so my dad can give me a lift to the station tomorrow morning. (Cardiff Meetup)