Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 02:10:06 UTC

  1. My Little Pony Main Series # - Discussion, Download, And Variants: It has been a week, so hopefully most of you had a chance to read this for the sake of discussion! If you haven't already picked it up, I would highly recommend it. Big Mac was honestly one of the lowest on my list of best ponies, but he is making his way up there with this series. Now if only these comics were weekly so we'd have something to real >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/my-little-pony-main-series-9-discussion.html http://ur1.ca/ewyu9

    Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 02:10:06 UTC from Sethisto