Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 28-Apr-16 22:54:22 UTC

  1. @mrmattimation @zennx *wressles with uncooperative RDN for a while*. I'm sorry but I just HAVE to react to this. Pretty sure Matt does not realize just who "Jim cherrying Sterling" is, what he is doing, and how he has at least one "YouTube insured & protected" video. In case you do not realize what this means, Jim is in an unique position. In the best case this means that YouTube has to shill out money to protect Jim and his channel ( by mobilizing whatever counter-force is required, like, you know, lawyers ). And it might even end up in Konami and Nintendo going at eachothers throat in the ensuring crossfire. And in the worst case scenario ( for jim ) then we see him go down with the ship ( all except for 1 protected video ).

    I do not think Jim is that stupid, so he probably knows his stuff, and if not ? Well lets just say I always enjoyed a good ship-burning.

    Regardless, if big Fluffle Puff goes down ( looks like it ) big changes are ensured to follow.

    Thursday, 28-Apr-16 22:54:22 UTC from web in context