Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Thursday, 28-Apr-16 23:25:30 UTC

  1. @zennx Well, that Patreon thingie is actually icing on the cake. ( I touched it when I said "unique position", although I just realized that Thunderf00t also has Patreon in a simmilar if not same manner, and then there are others ). But yes, you are right... Well he has something to lose, and that is being booted off of YouTube completely because of his shenanigans. But do you honestly think YouTube ( as a company who'se primary motivation seems money ) is to start setting fire to Jim's proverbial ship with the possibility of the whole harbour catching fire ? ... Yeah... I love to see this play out

    Thursday, 28-Apr-16 23:25:30 UTC from web in context