The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.
More details...Scribus (scribus)
Well it doesn't have a keyboard, but it does have seven times the battery, cooling fans, and a projector that I otherwise would never have even considered to include but actually does seem kind of fun https://www.unihertz.com/products/tank-3-pro
Uh oh I'm durkn and music-ing again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky-EORl9AUQ
about 3 months ago from web -
Wow I didn't necessarily think that The Acolyte was worse than the Holiday Special, but I also haven't seen the Holiday Special and didn't see Acolyte past episode 2 https://youtu.be/CO4xVT-OksI
For example, look at the humble Cone: https://youtu.be/Mkn3PzdaByY?feature=shared
about 8 months ago from web
Probably lazy-ass DJ'ing but https://youtu.be/XpilihjywLQ?si=bTgmhz3cvsIDQ12F have a sweet cussing late-90's prog metal album #djscribus !music
about a year ago from web -
Do I really miss analog, or is it just being a kid? Is it even that? Something, maybe, about the time when there was more ahead than behind? Or are those roughly the same thing? Anyway here's wonderwall https://youtu.be/CKAc3nYEatw?si=lFVTSVwVp4hay1z1
about a year ago from web -
Twenty percent (off) Cooler!? https://www.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/deals/yeti-cooler-sale-2023-10-06
about a year ago from web -
Will my ADHD allow me to achieve such lofty goals?? https://itch.io/jam/one-page-rpg-jam-2023 Time will tell!!!
Thursday, 13-Jul-23 19:48:22 UTC from web -
If anybody needs a unicorn cartoon fix https://www.cbr.com/phoebe-and-her-unicorn-nickelodeon-wins-screen-rights/ The comic is cute, I look forward to this
Sunday, 31-Jul-22 22:29:55 UTC from web
Went back to some 90s music on YT; stumbled into the uncomfortable realization that Powerman 5000 is now basically Dad Rock https://youtu.be/h48ozMZP70Y
Thursday, 30-Jun-22 18:06:59 UTC from web -
Well I've already pitched a papaya on every other chat forum I have, but why tf does YT's top result for a Rubik's Cube have NO USEFUL INFORMATION in it?? https://youtu.be/7Ron6MN45LY
@zeldatra Were you looking for some kind of lost Sims 2 thing? https://simworld.neocities.org/frontpage.html
Have I forgotten any details? http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/876108
Saturday, 02-Apr-22 04:38:19 UTC from web -
@adiwan I've been eyeballing a Pinephone https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PinePhone_(Pro)_Keyboard because I seem to thrive in self-induced misery lol
Well, I finally got desperate enough to launch a Fiverr page https://www.fiverr.com/jlbesq/read-and-record-voiceover if anybody needs/wants my voice for something, or knows someone who does.
Because sewing patches all up on my Levi's jacket wasn't enough, I'm plotting to add Tron-lines to it https://www.extremeglow.com/store/p/203-EL-Wire-Triple-Play-3-1m-10ft.aspx lol
Thursday, 19-Aug-21 06:03:59 UTC from web -
So there's a petition for an HD release of the Super Mario Bros movie http://chng.it/h2GyMhJT7F
Long horse is loooong !art #giraffe http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/875964
FLASHBACK, MAMMERJAMMERS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG4nOPylsdg&t=1s
Friday, 09-Jul-21 20:00:50 UTC from web -
Does anyone else get those Captchas where they want you to click on every picture of a car? mfw https://youtu.be/Yf-HweSYt5c
Monday, 26-Apr-21 21:11:25 UTC from web -
@zeldatra Blue Oyster Cult claim that Florida is the way it is because of an ancient curse on the conquistadores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIdntHAhTv0 #theMoreYouKnow
I ain't afraid of no ghost! . . . Slightly concerned about eBay addiction, though. https://tinyurl.com/vyn9ktjp
Thursday, 04-Mar-21 00:18:16 UTC from web -
He left his family behind!! https://youtu.be/KbNRvWfndjA
Tuesday, 16-Feb-21 22:41:09 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation The only good straightman was Bob Newhart. Because it sure wasn't Dean Martin, lol https://youtu.be/gfOb8JhDatI
sword nerd lol https://youtu.be/vI6gbaWO7lY
lol cutie mark ring http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/875777
Monday, 25-Jan-21 20:21:20 UTC from web -
@adiwan More! Power!! https://youtu.be/kBNPAJLhKZ4