thepinkshadow: @snowcone Hey there, it's me again and I am going to tell you something about my self that has taught me the world is a cruel plae but if you don't give up you can do anything. When I was younger at around 13 or 14 years old I knew I was smart, didn't know how smart until I took a few IQ tests though. You know what my IQ scores were? I scored around the 230 ranges everytime I took the test! I was considered a genius and the schools had nothing to teach me so I just sat there doing nothing all day, shoot! I was doing algebra at this time! but then reality struck... the memory I prided myself in started to fade, I started to forget the basics and then the rest of the tower fell. now I can't do basic math such as addition and sutraction without a calculator and every knowledge that requires a step learning process has been lost to me. I tried so hard to get back to what I had but my memory just isn't good enough anymore after having gotten worse over the years. Try before you lose it all