Tony. Phillips's home timeline


  1. @brony001 Wow that would go great for the !tulsabronies meet up. I really like how the ponies are placed in this one too.

    Saturday, 17-Mar-12 01:08:45 UTC from web
  2. !tulsabronies Okay I changed the colors on the banner, just a tad bit, hopefully they aren't so bad now. But I have no clue.

    Friday, 16-Mar-12 02:50:26 UTC from web
    • @brony001 Okay I have made a flyer for the !tulsabronies meet up. It is to be honest pretty bad because I have tried to find out how to work GIMP but I can't. So I just made this from a little logo making site, it was free so it has kind of bad res. but it gets the point across. I only made this in case no one else made one.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 23:33:44 UTC from web
    • !tulsabronies I'm okay for skype pretty muck anytime I'm around WiFi, I have it on my iPod, which would be anywhere from about 4:00p.m. to 9 or 10 pm

      Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 22:47:28 UTC from web
      • !tulsabronies MY skype ID is lunarmoth1, um... I guess we need to find a good time to have the group chat. My timetable pretty open so, most times are good for me.

        Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 19:40:11 UTC from web
        • !tulsabronies Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I haven't been around! School and work... Ugh. What have you guys been planning in my absence?

          Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 03:48:52 UTC from web
        • @brony001 Cool I, I guess I should post my skype name on here to for all the other !tulsabronies It is whitefang622

          Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 03:49:25 UTC from web
          • !tulsabronies For of those who don't have Skype, getting it is free, there are some paid premium thing but that not what you need just the standard version should do. All you need then is a mic, any should do. Even a guitar hero mic, a headset or you can even get it on you smartphone. Well your all clever ponies I sure you all can figure it out. Hope to hear you all soon.

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 17:16:32 UTC from web
          • @koltfang !tulsabronies I guess !bawbrony would be a good one to throw our skypes IDs at since she has her Skype Id already listed and her e-mail so lets try that I guess.

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 16:47:01 UTC from web
          • @koltfang Like the idea but maybe a list like; Confirmed, Maybe(s), or Unavailable. Is more in line so that we have a count of you can make it and who can't but we should plan for future things for. @bronny001 Put it on the poll! If that what the group decides then ok. !tulsabronies Look like we got a bit to flesh out, if not the a bit of 411 I think should be out there more. In any case maybe a group chat either though email or Skype (or skype like system) should be done so. I know cybersavvie first started this snow ball and Bawbrony and the rest of us keep this rolling. But for those of us who want to lent a hoof, getting on the same page or at lest filled in on the unclear bits might get things kicking off bigger. That and it may be a good way to figure out the rest of the stuff we got have to together yet. If someone already done then lets just rock and roll it. How everyone else felling about the group chat idea?

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 06:03:32 UTC from web
          • !tulsabronies What a way to get a good headcount? If it turns out that there a good # of us showing up. It might be a good idea to let the place we end up going to know. So getting a rough head count might be good.

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 03:19:02 UTC from web
          • !tulsabronies Less than 2 weeks until the get together (supposedly). If there are any more questions or issues. Please Email me at Or you could contact me on skype, My Name is manhattan233

            Saturday, 10-Mar-12 04:17:53 UTC from web
            • !tulsabronies [rcv] FINA-i mean...yay?

              Friday, 09-Mar-12 03:23:31 UTC from web
              • !tulsabronies Well glad to see that is sticking around. Yea! I hope I can wing it and make the meetup. I will say I voted on brony001 poll and as not listed. Because I could dig Joe Mommas. Also another idea is to have it somewhere like a park; Like Woodword. Just an idea let keep this ball rolling.

                Friday, 09-Mar-12 02:46:09 UTC from web
                • @bawbrony !tulsabronies , Pretty much any day during spring break is good for me, I can make time for a meet up. But I have some questions; How do we/do we need to RSVP, How would we go about voting for a restaurant. Also I would need direction, not street names either because I don't know the ones around Tulsa. More like landmarks that everybody knows something like that.

                  Thursday, 08-Mar-12 05:00:15 UTC from web
                  • @koltfang We could easily set up a vote over at and we could have everyone in the group vote for the restaurant that they want. Also once we've decided on a place, we can give you directons to follow. The street order is not too difficult, but some landmarks can help you find your way. Also mapquest can help.

                    Thursday, 08-Mar-12 15:46:14 UTC in context
                • !tulsabronies To anypony listening. Firstly I would like to apologize to all who have responded to my previous query about a spring break meet up. I’m sorry I could not respond sooner, but complications arose. Anyway back to the point, Since there has been recent using in activity on the TulsaBronies, I suggest we need buckle down and get a solid time and date for the brony meet-up. In conjecture with my previous suggestion, I propose that we could have a small get together for a lunch or brunch two weeks from today on Wednesday the 21st of March. Since spring break begins on the 19th , that should give people enough time to arrange for time off, Transportation, ect. There are a number of restaurants that we could pick from, PF CHANGS, Jason’s deli, Joe Mommas, golden corral, ect. I suggest we put it to a vote. Anyway, that’s the plan I’ve been able to figure out so far. I need your all’s impute to finalize the details. Also the WWU theme would be awesome. Peace out.

                  Thursday, 08-Mar-12 02:02:44 UTC from web
                  • !tulsabronies you know what I'm talking about. Right? Any how what ever happens, I hope I am in town to make it to a meet up. Good luck everypony, and Celestia speed.

                    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 05:19:24 UTC from web
                    • !tulsabronies is swapping to We either need to update their asap, somewhere else like to keep as many involved setting it up. One of the best ways is to let EQD knows so a lot of people can see where we are planing things.

                      Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 05:13:17 UTC from web
                    • !tulsabronies Oh man a meet up. I can't wait!

                      Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 00:11:07 UTC from web
                      • !tulsabronies @cybersavvie Hope it's soon. I'm in desperate need of a meet-up closer to my town lol

                        Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 00:05:38 UTC from web
                        • !tulsabronies We have decided on a winter wrap-up themed spring meet up! i'll be back later with the date! See you guys soon!

                          Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 06:25:36 UTC from web
                        • @ o.o well at least somepony with connections finally got the message XD my sister is the leader of the group.. I'll talk to her about it. :D sorry we're so late < w > Hope to see all my !tulsabronies soon!

                          Friday, 24-Feb-12 14:19:53 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies Hey you Tulsa ponies! What in Celestia's name are you up to? :P So glad to see there are so many like-minded Green Country Bronies around! Hope to meet everypony some time or another. Do any of you have Nintendo 3DS? I always take mine along. If you ever get a StreetPass from FltrshyGuy, that's me! I'm so fired up for an upcoming Fluttershy episode. Makes me a sad pony having to wait an extra week, though. :( Guess I'll rewatch the I <3 Ponies marathon as a substitute. Then next week, time for Best Pony Fluttershy episode! :P

                            Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:24:41 UTC from web
                          • Hey !tulsabronies it seems @bawbrony is trying to plan a meet up for you guys, shoot him/her an e-mail or something, ok?

                            Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:13:52 UTC from web
                            • !tulsabronies Hi, everypony! 35 year old Brony in Tulsa here! :) Been a Brony since July 29th of last year. Fluttershy is my Best Pony, but I love everypony! So happy to know about so many Green Country Bronies! Yesterday was a good day for me. Got a Pinkie Pie & Sweetie Belle playset at 81st & Lewis WAL-MART (they were pretty picked over otherwise, though).

                              Friday, 03-Feb-12 08:50:20 UTC from web
                              • !tulsabronies thought I would let all my Oklahoma bronies know that i'm working on a mlp rock band 3 custom track, I charted the vocals for the mlp song Becoming Popular, took me about 10 hours because of all the errors magma was giving me. You can download the track and put it on a usb and play it on your xbox 360. Since the vocals are only charted you cant play any other instrument at least not yet, also the only difficulty you can play on is expert for the time being. The download for the track is in the description of the youtube video, as well as the download for the project file if you want to try and edit it yourself. WARNING: The song is very difficult to play because I didn't chart each individual syllable. My deviant page :

                                Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 07:17:52 UTC from web
                              • !tulsabronies I hope we all us tulsa bronies get something pulled together soon. In the mean time enjoy the holidays.

                                Sunday, 18-Dec-11 06:17:24 UTC from web
                              • Okay, !tulsabronies we're going to have to reschedule the meet. I derped, sorry! Updates to come. I'll figure it out!

                                Saturday, 10-Dec-11 07:34:04 UTC from web
                                • !tulsabronies That is, unless someone vollunteers to host for me. If that is the case, I'll go on with the plan.

                                  Thursday, 08-Dec-11 16:08:24 UTC from web
                                  • !Tulsabronies I don't think I can get to Winterfest on time on the tenth, I think I'm going to reschedule for next week. (I didn't get off from work on Saturday! Derp!)

                                    Thursday, 08-Dec-11 16:06:26 UTC from web