Notices by Joshua (moonstone), page 2

  1. ok gtg have supper cu all laterz

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:36:49 UTC from web in context
  2. @flaxx ohhhhh ok yea i like the series cant wait for new one on the 11th i think

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:33:10 UTC from web in context
  3. @theawesomepony ok good ill get it right now

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:29:50 UTC from web in context
  4. @flaxx so i see you like oblivion...

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:27:39 UTC from web in context
  5. @theawesomepony does this site have a mobile app for iphone if not who owns this site ill make the app for free when i have time between my crazy school work

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:21:20 UTC from web in context
  6. @theawesomepony yep thats me :)

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:17:17 UTC from web
  7. @theawesomepony yea i shouldent REALLY be giving out my age but i trust fellow bronies more than i trust the bc education site

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:13:47 UTC from web in context
  8. @greydragon412 Your in united kingdom not tho far from me here in italy

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:10:12 UTC from web
  9. @theawesomepony 11

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:07:34 UTC from web in context
  10. hay im going to be making a website if i have some time any tips? i dont want to be ripping off of anypony

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:05:00 UTC from web
  11. wait its theawesomepony whoops

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:02:33 UTC from web
  12. @theawsomepony well lets just say if i was a girl it would be fine for me to be watching this im not 6 7 8 or 9 and not 10 but.... im just saying im the only one in my family and i cant go to MEETUPS

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 17:01:54 UTC from web in context
  13. hay (i love that pun) how old is everypony? i mean im pretty young to be a brony. It can be a bit awkward at times -.-

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 16:51:34 UTC from web in context
  14. well thought i would try this out seeing that flankbook is down

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 16:16:54 UTC from web in context

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