Replies to scorch, page 5

  1. @scorch is there another file? or a google doc?

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:51:01 UTC from web in context
  2. @scorch it is not that bad lol

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:41:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  3. @scorch uhhhh i cant see it, whene I open it it just shows me a bunch of symbols, I might need a diffrnt file, or a google doc

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:39:33 UTC from web in context
  4. @scorch lol.... Camera shake is fine lol

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:35:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  5. @scorch I knew you would lol

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:18:25 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  6. @scorch oh sorry, I forgot I'll read it now

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:17:28 UTC from web in context
  7. @scorch indeed it is young scorch

    Thursday, 24-May-12 01:11:55 UTC from web in context
  8. @scorch thats not good at all! That's very dangerous! You should really really try to get more sleep! :o

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 16:01:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  9. @scorch lucky you! I don't remember the last time I got a lot of sleep. :(

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 05:36:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  10. @scorch oh, been pretty okay. And yourself? How are those programs coming along?

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 05:18:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  11. @scorch okie. I'll be on tomorrow again and will hop on the PC. If I can't retrace it, I will ask for the link again ^_^

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 05:05:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  12. @scorch Mhm ^_^. I couldn't have asked for anypony better! I would read it, but my iPhone wont load it and I'm stuck on it for the night :(

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 05:03:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  13. @scorch thank you for asking. :). She is much better. She just needed to release. I'm just glad that I was there for her when she really needed someone. She loves to cuddle randomly and so do I ^_^. It's hard for her to feel accepted and for her to grasp that I love her NO MATTER WHAT! She told me that she was always judged and picked on for many many things in her life and it's hard for her to accept the feeling of real love.

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 04:52:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  14. @scorch well, I actually saw her weeping and shivering on the street just a couple days back. She was very hurt emotionally, and wasn't doing well health wise either. I pulled over and talked with her for a bit, and couldn't just leave her. So I asked if she needed a place to stay at. She accepted. That night she was telling me about all that happened, and how it was all at once. I just felt down right awful for her :(. I didn't go through what she did and was crying with her. When she asked more about how I was, I felt like my problems were so minor in comparison. But even then, she seemed to completely forget about the things she had just gone through and was filled with care and worry for me. Since then we both knew that we were meant for each other.

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 04:44:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  15. @scorch that's awesome! Im really glad for the both of you. What I mean is that you are changing where you live and your lifestyle to be with her, while still being the exact same person inside! ^_^

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 04:31:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  16. @scorch that's so awesome! I'm really glad to hear that the two of you are getting a long so well and that you are changing your life just so that you can be with her! ^_^

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 04:05:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  17. @scorch ah. All the sophistication! Colgate really just likes simple things. She's not good around a lot of people.

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 03:38:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  18. @scorch Colgate says she doesn't want to travel all the way to Canterlot. Says she wants to spend time with me here and do something in Toronto.

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 02:17:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  19. @scorch pretty awesome looking, if I say so myself

    Wednesday, 23-May-12 02:05:34 UTC from web in context
  20. @scorch my phone wont let me open it lol

    Monday, 21-May-12 10:57:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  21. @scorch I'll read it when I have internet

    Monday, 21-May-12 10:51:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  22. @scorch awesome man

    Monday, 21-May-12 10:36:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  23. @scorch copy that

    Monday, 21-May-12 10:19:03 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  24. @scorch my internet died I'm on my phone lol

    Monday, 21-May-12 10:16:36 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  25. @scorch hows that goin? lol

    Monday, 21-May-12 00:25:36 UTC from web in context
  26. @scorch bahahahahahhaha

    Monday, 21-May-12 00:23:20 UTC from web in context
  27. @scorch shur, I'll do the same whene I wright up embers story

    Monday, 21-May-12 00:03:02 UTC from web in context
  28. @scorch embers 3 major points to her back story are 1. (you knew this already) shes bi 2.she was bullied for it. like big time. 3. she became massively depressed because of bullying

    Sunday, 20-May-12 23:54:52 UTC from web in context
  29. @scorch I have aeroheads backstory written down alraty :) but ember is takeing some time to come up with. but I have 3 mojor things that make up her back story

    Sunday, 20-May-12 23:41:14 UTC from web in context
  30. @scorch well, I admit I cant draw, so I use the pony genrator, but I come up with there back stories myself, ember has more back story then just the fact shes bi, but I havent come up with the rest.

    Sunday, 20-May-12 23:38:33 UTC from web in context