Tyler stuff's home timeline


  1. !gcbg Hello folks, I see we have some sort of group going. Anypony active?

    Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 04:52:18 UTC from web
  2. !northflbronies Since this semester is over I've been floating about the towncenter I'll post when i'll be up there for lunch next week

    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 14:09:19 UTC from web
  3. !northflbronies Well just let me know, and I'll be happy to show up if I don't work.

    Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 09:57:08 UTC from web
    • !northflbronies No idea its so sporadic with posts on here, I'm game for arranging something public in the near future at a starbucks or something

      Sunday, 09-Dec-12 23:41:41 UTC from web
      • !northflbronies Orange Park 904 here, Just joined up, any meet ups happening soon?

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 06:02:39 UTC from web
        • !northflbronies I had to work saturday...i missed it ><

          Monday, 12-Nov-12 20:28:23 UTC from web
          • !northflbronies active as in wandering the town center for lunch after classes ? yeah

            Monday, 05-Nov-12 19:40:44 UTC from web
          • !northflbronies Bronies? In the 904? By Celestia's mane, you guys are elusive! Anyone active here?

            Saturday, 03-Nov-12 23:37:21 UTC from web
          • !northflbronies Second attempt: any news on meetups?

            Wednesday, 24-Oct-12 15:00:44 UTC from web
            • !northflbronies i'd make it

              Wednesday, 17-Oct-12 18:48:27 UTC from web
              • !northflbronies I would be more than happy to arrange a meetup in downtown Saint Augustine. I know it's not Jacksonville but it's directly south from it, about a 25 minute drive depending. How many people would come?

                Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 00:01:26 UTC from web
                • !northflbronies I so totally wanna meetup with some of you guys, id love to actually mingle and all that Jazz :3

                  Thursday, 04-Oct-12 01:03:55 UTC from web
                • !northflbronies Well I am game but seems only four people ever seem to post so a four person meetup lol

                  Sunday, 30-Sep-12 13:00:34 UTC from web
                  • !northflbronies is there a meet up still going on?

                    Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 16:11:44 UTC from web
                    • !northflbronies Hm, anyone else wanna come down?

                      Friday, 31-Aug-12 20:20:49 UTC from web
                      • !northflbronies I can make it to the fort in 25 mins..just need a few more people for some good fun

                        Monday, 27-Aug-12 01:58:09 UTC from web
                      • !northflbronies i would host a meetup in Saint Augustine if anyone felt like driving 45 mins from Jacksonville :/

                        Thursday, 23-Aug-12 21:09:18 UTC from web