

  1. my steam account is worth $1599.80

    Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:54:54 UTC from web
    1. @meloetta Or on sale 4 bucks.

      Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:55:26 UTC from web
    2. @meloetta Or about 8 dollars store credit at Gamestop.

      Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:55:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @northernnarwhal Steam... Gamestop ... ? I think those are like boric acid and ethanol together...

        Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:57:12 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker In that case what's the acid catalyst?

          Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:58:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @northernnarwhal Water 35 litres, Carbon 20 kg, Ammonia 4 litres, Lime 1.5 kg, Phosphorus 800g, Salt 250 g, Salt peter 100g (potassium nitrate), Sulphur 80 grams, Fluorine 7.5, Iron 5 g, Silicone 3g, and trace amounts of 15 other elements

            Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:00:11 UTC from web
            1. @critialcloudkicker human transmutation is a sin

              Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:01:05 UTC from web
              1. @mushi Yea, out of context this was a Steam ( ethanol ) versus Gamestop ( Boric acid ) with you ( list of ingredients ) as catalyst conversation...

                Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:03:01 UTC from web
            2. @critialcloudkicker FMA?

              Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:01:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @northernnarwhal No, You are the catalyst

                Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:01:59 UTC from web
                1. @critialcloudkicker Am I the chosen one too?

                  Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:03:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @northernnarwhal Also the boy that lived

                    Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:03:52 UTC from web
                    1. @critialcloudkicker Also orphaned at a young age?

                      Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:04:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @northernnarwhal Also you are the last airbender

                        Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:05:30 UTC from web
                        1. @critialcloudkicker And the hero of time

                          Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:06:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @northernnarwhal The man of steel

                            Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:06:39 UTC from web
                            1. @critialcloudkicker A silent protector, a watchful guardian, a dark knight

                              Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:08:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @northernnarwhal The Dark Defender ? ( actual question )

                                Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:08:42 UTC from web
                                1. @critialcloudkicker Dude that's from Dark Knight (the second Chris Nolan Batman film)

                                  Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:10:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @northernnarwhal I was asking you if you would took offense if I'd call you the alias of Dexter

                                    Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:11:08 UTC from web
                                    1. @critialcloudkicker Call me whatever, that kinda stuff doesn't bother me. Come to think of it, a lot of very malicious and offensive stuff doesn't bother or phase me at all but the stupidest stuff ends up really eating at me.

                                      Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:13:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @northernnarwhal Ah, I was kinda running out of awesome things to call you

                                        Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:14:05 UTC from web
                                        1. @critialcloudkicker Call me dad.

                                          Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:14:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                          1. @northernnarwhal Funny you should bring that up

                                            Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:15:03 UTC from web
    3. @meloetta my steam accout is worth as much as nothing

      Friday, 04-Jul-14 16:57:00 UTC from web
    4. @meloetta Over the last 10 years, you've spent 3409.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 277 items, is valued at $3441.56, and requires 1169.2 GB ... I'd say I got my money's worth there :)

      Friday, 04-Jul-14 17:01:23 UTC from web