Ross (FlamingPandaOMG)
Brookfield, MO, United States
22 year old male, located in rural Missouri. Love reading, watching comedy/adventure/mystery/zombie films, watching anime, playing video games and of course, My Little Pony. :3
Steam: FlamingPandaOMG
Skype: Ross (FlamingPandaOMG)
"Best Neckbeard 2010-2012"
"Fanciest Unibrow 2011"
"Most Amazing Nachos 2009-2013"
"Best Accomplishments - Time Immemorial"
3DS Friend Code: 1478-3503-4091
List of DS/3DS games
Pokémon White 2
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Super Street Fighter 4 3D
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Pokémon X
Sonic Generations
Mario Kart 7
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Party Island Tour
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Super Mario 3D Land
Fire Emblem Awakening
Ocarina of Time 3D
Wii U Games
Super Mario Bros. U + Super Luigi Bros. U
Super Mario 3D World
The Wonderful 101
Mario Kart 8