

  1. Let's see if there's a mod to remove the armor damage reduction cap.

    Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:17:04 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos theres a mod to turn all dragons to ponies or all horses to ponies :D

      Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:18:25 UTC from web
      1. @therainbowdashx Yes, but it completely breaks the immersion.

        Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:18:44 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Would so ride rainbow dash

          Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:19:30 UTC from web
          1. @therainbowdashx #

            Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:19:40 UTC from web
          2. @therainbowdashx and now i notice how wrong that sounds -_-

            Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:19:56 UTC from web
          3. @therainbowdashx I*

            Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:20:57 UTC from web
      2. @therainbowdashx I think I would rather turn all Dragons into Gryphons and all Horses into Ponies... Just saying

        Friday, 19-Apr-13 21:19:10 UTC from web