Ben Rueda's home timeline


  1. what are you even talking about? lol

    Friday, 27-Jul-12 13:19:54 UTC from web

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 12:50:10 UTC from web
    • Yo dawg i heard you like Doctor Who so i found you a Dalek

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 12:35:42 UTC from web
    • @rainbowtoaster Yes we will be immortals together XD

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 12:20:36 UTC from web
    • Hey guys how's it going? :D

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 12:08:49 UTC from web
    • I really hate Nick Jr. What am I doing with my life :l

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 11:03:51 UTC from web
    • its 6 30 i the mornin, gonna go to sleep in a bit

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 10:59:05 UTC from web
      • lol I'm being interrogated by an old friend of mine for not informing her of my change in relationship status

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 10:15:19 UTC from web
      • Oh, cool, POLYFUSE released something new. I like his stuff:

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:33:25 UTC from web
      • i just saw the funniest scooby

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 10:02:11 UTC from web
      • I came rainbows

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 10:09:01 UTC from web
        • Ahh X3 Found a site filled with great pics.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:55:13 UTC from web
        • I'm off to bed now , Goodnight # !!

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:52:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • dear princess, today I learned that somepony sucks plot for writing Derpy's Special Delivery.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:39:29 UTC from web
          • im a dirty dirty pony.

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:33:18 UTC from web
          • Hi all :)

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:28:33 UTC from web
          • DO NOT READ: DERPY'S SPECIAL DELIVER!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA, IT IS PLOTRAPE!

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:19:52 UTC from web
          • yay.

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:04:57 UTC from web
          • friday the 13th collection texas chainsaw massacre collection, saw collection, begotten, clockwork orange, halloween, night of the living dead, the hills run red, alien, amusement, dead silence, dead space, godzilla, a nightmare on elm street collection, psycho, scream collection, the blair witch 1 & 2, evil dead 1, 2, and 3, and mlp.

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:14:13 UTC from web
            • lookin at my movie collection, i shall list:

              Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:11:19 UTC from web
              • @greydragon412 woah now, lets not bring dirty stuff into this o.o

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:08:24 UTC from web
              • Buh. Getting tired. Losing motivation to work on the stupid mini-project I just started (because starting small games on a whim is NEVER a bad idea). Good night.

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 09:05:51 UTC from web
              • @hoit21 I dunno.

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:59:45 UTC from web
              • @widget The needle is such a baby weapon.

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:13:44 UTC from web
              • My little ponies: Discord is chocolate rain.

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:14:45 UTC from web
                • Cupcakes >:)

                  Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:13:03 UTC from web
                  • Ladies and gentlecolts

                    Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:11:31 UTC from web
                    • Up because I am. Probably drank too much mountain dew at pony poker.

                      Friday, 27-Jul-12 08:08:50 UTC from web
                    • @rainbowtoaster Becareful with your profanity. (suggest delete)

                      Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:55:26 UTC from web
                    • I luv all of u

                      Friday, 27-Jul-12 07:48:12 UTC from web