Notices tagged with git

  1. Someone just asked me to recommend a good # #; I finally conceded that `do a # for "git config.ff only"' is probably best—because any teacher who doesn't tell you to do that as part of your most basic git setup is probably someone you shouldn't listen to.

    Wednesday, 14-Aug-19 17:58:43 UTC from
  2. @steelman @nerdresa @sungo Linus created # to solve problems he had with # kernel dev. Helping n00bs wasn't even vaguely in his mind

    Sunday, 22-Apr-18 06:41:41 UTC from in context
  3. Well, that's my # security upgrades done. Less painful than I expected. Wonder what I've missed. The only pain was because I initially deployed D8 with # rather than #, out of habit. Now I'm more comfortable with Composer I should fix this. No way I'm going to be forking core in the foreseeable future.

    Friday, 30-Mar-18 02:58:52 UTC from at 33°54'11"S 151°9'6"E Repeated by boneidol
  4. Well, that's my # security upgrades done. Less painful than I expected. Wonder what I've missed. The only pain was because I initially deployed D8 with # rather than #, out of habit. Now I'm more comfortable with Composer I should fix this. No way I'm going to be forking core in the foreseeable future.

    Friday, 30-Mar-18 02:58:52 UTC from at 33°54'11"S 151°9'6"E
  5. @jaranta  # is a back-end. Yes, it needs front-ends with much better # for mass adoption, but it can be learned by mere mortals as is

    Monday, 12-Mar-18 09:47:53 UTC from in context
  6. @maenad check out # for a platform based on the concept of drafting papers over #

    Wednesday, 28-Feb-18 17:42:04 UTC from in context
  7. @maenad what excited me about learning # wasn't coding, but that I could immediately see myself versioning texts for a book with it

    Wednesday, 28-Feb-18 17:38:44 UTC from in context
  8. @rysiek @maenad I'm a total noob at running servers, but I can't imagine trying to push a team's change to a production server without #

    Wednesday, 28-Feb-18 17:34:02 UTC from
  9. @maenad woah. Send them this. It taught me # basics in a few days, and got me excited about it

    Wednesday, 28-Feb-18 17:32:00 UTC from
  10. @banjofox  hmm. Weird. I'm about to get on a bus and there's probably other folks here with more # experience than I

    Friday, 02-Feb-18 04:27:30 UTC from
  11. @deavmi @chris but only in the same way teaching GitHub pages to newbies would be experimental. For people who already know # it's simple

    Tuesday, 02-Jan-18 10:59:13 UTC from
  12. ... that way instead of being distracted by the coding you are doing, you can focus on # itself, it's organising metaphors, and commands

    Friday, 10-Nov-17 08:32:04 UTC from in context
  13. Want to learn #? Try practicing on repos containing files of ordinary text. Use it to track your blog posts in it, write your novel etc

    Friday, 10-Nov-17 08:31:19 UTC from in context
  14. @davidross sure. I'm imagining a client app with # as the backend. The # failures of # don't really come into it.

    Thursday, 09-Nov-17 20:57:36 UTC from in context
  15. @davidross sounds like # not # Maybe # but not everything GITHub is GIT (*cough* # *cough*)

    Thursday, 09-Nov-17 10:49:38 UTC from
  16. # would it be possibly to build a distributed messaging system using #'s internal commit messages?

    Thursday, 09-Nov-17 10:26:12 UTC from in context
  17. I've just been following this tutorial. My mind is officially blown. # is easy! I can't believe I'd made it so complicated in my head

    Wednesday, 08-Nov-17 10:47:34 UTC from in context
  18. @dpc do you know of any detailed articles written about how # is used in # kernel development?

    Saturday, 14-Oct-17 00:36:33 UTC from in context
  19. @dpc I'm in the process of learning to use # and I just read your blog piece about distributed practice

    Saturday, 14-Oct-17 00:31:07 UTC from in context
  20. # @github @gitlab - Endangered by new EU legislation -> # #

    Saturday, 07-Oct-17 12:29:56 UTC from
  21. Slides from a helpful talk on # workflow by a local developer who works for #

    Wednesday, 04-Oct-17 00:39:07 UTC from
  22. That's not using guix as the dependency engine though, replacing make or whatever. I'm talking about #

    Tuesday, 26-Sep-17 19:55:11 UTC from
  23. hate hate hate # :-P #

    Wednesday, 06-Sep-17 11:24:57 UTC from
  24. Inside and outside the @fsfe: read and share our # # online … # # # !ILoveFS #

    Thursday, 13-Jul-17 14:14:40 UTC from
  25. Inside and outside the @fsfe: read and share our # # online … # # # !ILoveFS #

    Thursday, 13-Jul-17 13:59:36 UTC from
  26. # is a web-based tutorial for learning command line #

    Wednesday, 21-Jun-17 01:45:56 UTC from
  27. If you're still looking for a reason to join the @fsfe, besides doing awesome stuff in promoting Free Software, we also provide some nice services like our own git instance: !ilovefs !fellowship  # # #

    Sunday, 18-Jun-17 21:19:43 UTC from
  28. @clacke exactly. The main benefit of # workflow over existing # workflow is that nobody can delete my version of my work.

    Sunday, 18-Jun-17 03:58:31 UTC from in context
  29. FSFE provides !FreeSoftware # hosting for its supporters and volunteers. Give it a try and leave feedback! … # #

    Friday, 16-Jun-17 09:15:09 UTC from
  30. #: making amends for sins committed to # over the last year. #

    Tuesday, 06-Jun-17 04:19:32 UTC from in context