Replies to braydong, page 5

  1. @braydong No help I feel forever alone

    Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 19:00:12 UTC from web in context
  2. @braydong Well, not yet. But if they do. I'll be ready...

    Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 18:55:48 UTC from web in context
  3. @braydong Oh, they are allowed to spy on me, heck, they might even copy my entire life. However they should also know that I will sue their asses off due to copyright infringement should any of it come to haunt me or bite me in my ample posterior.

    Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 18:52:08 UTC from web in context
  4. @braydong Hmm, that makes sense :) ... Anyway, my opinion on this whole matter ( possibly wrong, possibly biassed ) is that whether the people know someone might be watching, or whether the people do not know, at the end of the day all you will have is a bunch of data which you could use to associate A LOT of metadata, some of which are usefull, some are useless. Now I myself am more afraid of the useless data to be honest. People could potentially have horrible things happen to them. Perhaps you can not justify that 10 [currency] you withdrew at the bank 5 years ago. and someone at the same time used 10 [currency] to buy a can of gasoline used to torch something... Eventually though, pretty sure that the NSA or govnerment will see the futility of the whole project... *cough*trailblazer*cough* ... Untill then... I will sign this thing, can I use my RDN alias ?

    Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 18:24:20 UTC from web in context
  5. @braydong Tell them about the dirty stuff you watch on the internet.

    Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 16:29:39 UTC from web in context
  6. @braydong If you don't know you're streets behind.

    Friday, 07-Feb-14 18:38:10 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  7. @braydong Only if they're streets ahead.

    Friday, 07-Feb-14 18:19:59 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  8. @braydong afterwords...I set it on fire

    Friday, 07-Feb-14 17:55:17 UTC from web in context
  9. @braydong no. it overheated cuz the ram fired

    Friday, 07-Feb-14 17:54:18 UTC from web in context