People listed in chronamut by chronamut

  • Shawn Dall chronamut Shawn Dall Creator Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA

    Hey guys I am Chronamut, a long time supporter of mlp - grew up watching it in the 80s - I will admit, I resisted this community with a passion but, being a flash animator myself, seeing the incredible amount of beauty, professionally recorded songs, and utter storyline depth and relateable characters, I was utterly impressed, and have been a fan ever since! Also being gay, I find quite a few of the bronies rather cute ;) I have carried a bit of my own weight on the internet - not in the mlp side of things, but I have published my own book - created and produced over 300 songs, and sell my artwork online and in galleries, as well as am a spiritual leader. I have done alright for myself, and am always looking for new audiences to showcase my work to. You can view all my stuff at