Notices by Alexandre (fastsquirrel), page 2

  1. !ottawabronies @djmidli Saturdays are never open for me, but with enough of a heads-up, I can ask for a day off. @sirderpyhooves I'd be coming down from Montreal, so no matter what, I don't think it would make a major difference to pick you up or not. If you don't find anything until then and I'm attending, I could try not to get lost and pick you up.

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 03:56:22 UTC from web in context
  2. !ottawabronies Oh man! Paintball, airsoft or laser quest? Any of these sounds great (and I have my equipment for any one of these, even spare for paintball). Now all I need is free time...

    Monday, 06-Feb-12 07:46:30 UTC from web
  3. !ottawabronies Awww, man. Montreal would've made it sooo easy for me. Oh well, Gatineau's still cool with me... if I don't work, that is (which I believe will be the case on this Saturday, exceptionally).

    Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 05:18:15 UTC from web
  4. !ottawabronies Hello, hello gals and fellows! Montreal brony here. Just thought I'd drop a line and scout the place for future meetups in your parts, since there isn't much happening over here. With my brother living there for his studies, that would give me twice the reasons to visit the Capital.

    Wednesday, 11-Jan-12 22:40:03 UTC from web