Group actions
Montreal, southshore and Northshore Bronies
!montrealbronies french montreal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
For every Brony that are in Montreal or the surrounding areas; for those who see the meetups of other groups and wants to be in one but can't because there is none near you. well I'm going to change that! I'm trying to find other bronies in Montreal, Southshore and Northshore for meetups. I speak English and French.
Montreal, southshore and Northshore Bronies (montrealbronies) group
@rarity do you know any bronies who live around Montreal?
Monday, 11-Aug-14 15:21:23 UTC from web -
@minti hi! im in the Montreal area, i have no brony friends :[ if you do, i would love to meet up, and chill. i dunno when, but whenever you feel. message me back with an @ reply or private message me. :D it would mean a lot to me :D
Monday, 11-Aug-14 15:01:18 UTC from web -
Is there any bronies in the Greenfield Park, Longeuil area? Would really like to meet some bronies.
Saturday, 12-Apr-14 19:10:43 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies @djmidli Lol! the facebook group is going great 8D
Sunday, 18-Mar-12 03:57:41 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies @simminz93 I never said I got anywhere first.
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 22:41:44 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies @fastsquirrel and in ottawabronies i'm like one of the first members
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 14:23:28 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies @fastsquirrel Dude i was here WAY before you xD
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 14:22:45 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies Well, well, well, looks like I'll have twice the reasons to come on here. I would be the "local flavor" that travelled down to Ottawa. Nice to meet you in here too, Simon.
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 00:09:28 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies @xenedon No problem bro :P
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 15:57:45 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies its awesome guys! i didn't think it would work this good. I just joined the facebook group.
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 11:40:23 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies Simon here from the montreal bronies facebook group! I'll tell the others to come here :3
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 05:08:29 UTC from web -
!montrealbronies Second; nothing is yet organized and I accept any sugestion of activities and meeting place.
Sunday, 04-Mar-12 20:31:10 UTC from web- Simon Sithat repeated this.
@xenedon even G+ Hangouts?
!montrealbronies Hi, I'm xenedon, and welcome to montrealbronies... Bonjour, je suis xenedon, bienvenue a montrealbronies. It's the first post of the group and I would like to clarify somethings.. first; I'm a lonely brony in search of nearby friends.
Sunday, 04-Mar-12 20:27:38 UTC from web