Alex fledhann's home timeline


  1. !northflbronies ah i found it, now if their was more people I'd be down with reserving something if we had like ten people plus

    Thursday, 21-Jun-12 00:49:48 UTC from web
    • !northflbronies U gotta search jacksonville bronies in the clouds search bar, but even still its a long shot.

      Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 01:43:53 UTC from web
      • !northflbronies I'm on cloudsdale but dont see it, no biggie tho

        Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 00:10:41 UTC from web
        • !northflbronies harder than I thought. you apparently need 5 posts outside the Cloudsdale site to start editing it to make it more appealing. Right now I only got a cloud that says "Jacksonville Bronies" with a blank avatar logo. Not very productive :(

          Monday, 18-Jun-12 21:05:57 UTC from web
          • !northflbronies totally agree. this is gonna be a longshot, but I'm gonna make a Jacksonville Cloud on Cloudsdale. Probably not gonna work, but it's something =/

            Monday, 18-Jun-12 19:14:47 UTC from web
            • !northflbronies agreed on needing more perhaps find some pegasisters too

              Sunday, 17-Jun-12 23:32:43 UTC from web
              • !northflbronies i knooooww!! i might be free that friday, but we should still see if we can get others to come. still got one other brony bro, but i think we still need more =p

                Friday, 15-Jun-12 21:12:16 UTC from web
                • !northflbronies meh so busy between work and school, free next friday or so my schedule says currently season 3 needs to arrive soon!

                  Thursday, 14-Jun-12 22:04:50 UTC from web
                  • !northflbronies looking at the past entries, it looks like that they did the last meetup about 9 months ago, but since then, everyone just kinda disappeared

                    Sunday, 10-Jun-12 14:47:55 UTC from web
                    • !northflbronies havent heard the balloon party playlist yet if something does finally happen could use somewhere at the towncenter for the meetup.

                      Saturday, 09-Jun-12 22:25:41 UTC from web
                      • !northflbronies if we do meet up, someone has got to bring the new balloon party playlist, its pretty sweet =)

                        Friday, 08-Jun-12 01:43:01 UTC from web
                      • !northflbronies right on, the more the merrier

                        Thursday, 07-Jun-12 01:08:29 UTC from web
                        • !northflbronies I know one other brony friend who lives in jax, so i'll see if i can get him to join the group

                          Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 11:04:29 UTC from web
                          • !northflbronies well one response is better than none! if we can get more then a meetup shall be set. I know I'm slow on my response.

                            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 18:44:40 UTC from web
                            • !northflbronies totally up 4 that!! hopefully more people can respond

                              Saturday, 26-May-12 22:11:49 UTC from web
                              • !northflbronies I'd be willing to arrange a meetup somewhere on atlantic or beach if anyone is interested

                                Friday, 18-May-12 23:59:31 UTC from web
                                • !northflbronies just got back from fsu, wondering if any bronies are still around jacksonville

                                  Thursday, 10-May-12 02:35:48 UTC from web
                                • !northflbronies seriously guys ... did you drop off the face of the earth?

                                  Sunday, 06-May-12 19:15:49 UTC from web
                                  • !northflbronies hey anybronies at UNF im going there next year and id like to see somepony who shares my interests

                                    Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 02:26:38 UTC from web
                                  • !northflbronies Been a while since anyone posted... Any Jax bronies still active?

                                    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 20:11:08 UTC from web
                                    • hey i was wondering if there are any bronies near or at UNF im going there next year

                                      Sunday, 12-Feb-12 03:10:47 UTC from web