Robert's home timeline


  1. Hey !Mibronies, any bronies in Rochester, Michigan?

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 17:06:25 UTC from web
  2. Hey !Mibronies, looking to possibly talk to or even meet bronies from the Ann Arbor area! :3

    Monday, 02-Jan-12 03:22:55 UTC from web
  3. Hey !mibronies, Just relocated to the Ann Arbor area, Any Brony's around wanna get together?

    Monday, 21-Nov-11 18:34:39 UTC from web
  4. !mibronies I'm not from Michigan but I live like 10 minutes away in Windsor! :3

    Monday, 28-Nov-11 10:17:05 UTC from web
    • !mibronies any downriver bronies?

      Monday, 21-Nov-11 22:52:42 UTC from web
    • @rotation thanks for the pointer! still new to this

      Monday, 21-Nov-11 18:36:26 UTC from web