http://ponymorals.tumblr.com/Youtube channel:
Utah bronies:
Pony (pony)
@pony Oops. I should have stated that Socratically.
@mrmattimation Depression is a disease, but they still have a choice, unlike with AIDS.
@mastertdi xP oh u
I'd choose nothing if it were a choice between good and nothing with respect to Williams's suicide.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 15:31:33 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation Why would they say that?
@mastertdi is this related to Skype?
I'm not sure how to feel about Mr. Williams.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:53:15 UTC from web -
@pony ... including Tirek and Discord. I guess Nightmare Moon counts as inner turmoil.
This episode is heartwarming. I wonder what kind of inner turmoil Equestria might have had after the tribes united or whether ponies basically only had to deal with outside foes thereafter.
http://pny.lv/3o7e -
@rarity Cool!
@rarity Is that a question?
@rarity Wait, you mean you read the FA author's note blog entry on fimfiction?
I should read Twilight again.
@rarity suresure
@rarity I find it extremely validating that, upon publishing a brief autobiography of myself as an author's note relevant to the fic, I received nothing but praise.
@rarity It's the thought that counts!
@pony Well.. and beyond the fact that my style was still meh throughout the beginning of the fic. Still, it's my first novel length thing so whatever.
@rarity lolwat was referringto that pic you posted, but I greatly enjoyed your synopsis regardless :D
@rarity I'd say only half of my ~100 followers probably share my proclivities.
@rarity lolwat
@redenchilada BTW, I'm promoting your story on my fimfiction blog. So far you have as many as 12 extra views thanks to me!
@mushi Oh I see. Yes. Purely academic...
@mushi Aye. I figure that would naturally lead to shipping.
@broniebrown I hadn't considered until now that many parts of the internet might assume H.P. Lovecraft was either a Harry Potter shipping fanfic or a fancy valentine printer from Hewlett Packard.
@jamster Is this the real life?
@critialcloudkicker Sleepy and distracted at the moment. I keep getting drawn away from my writing.
@critialcloudkicker morning
@ellie Is it about architectural philosophy?
@ellie yeah. I consider that limited lurking. Even modship is limited in that you're keeping an eye open for any need to become active suddenly.
@rarity huh. well then I wonder how that might have translated.