>be rarity
>sneak into le castle
>find celest
>le baseball slide as princess starts to sit
>celesta sit on ur face
>"who is this horse I am sitting on"
>princes look down
>"it u"
>celetia kicks u out
"no celest pls sit on my face"
>elestia ignore u
Thank u for reading my 1th fanficTuesday, 29-Jul-14 05:34:51 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Deserves a Raspberry Award
Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 05:35:54 UTC from web -
@redenchilada even for that little while it would be worth
Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 05:36:12 UTC from web -
@redenchilada Better than anything I've ever seen on Reddit.
Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 16:16:35 UTC from web -
@redenchilada Nice fanfic ! Sooo long though . :)
Sunday, 03-Aug-14 20:24:46 UTC from web -
@redenchilada BTW, I'm promoting your story on my fimfiction blog. So far you have as many as 12 extra views thanks to me!
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:52:48 UTC from web -
@rarity I'd say only half of my ~100 followers probably share my proclivities.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:55:58 UTC from web -
@pony Well.. and beyond the fact that my style was still meh throughout the beginning of the fic. Still, it's my first novel length thing so whatever.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:05:50 UTC from web -
@rarity It's the thought that counts!
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:06:26 UTC from web -
@rarity I find it extremely validating that, upon publishing a brief autobiography of myself as an author's note relevant to the fic, I received nothing but praise.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:11:45 UTC from web-
@pony no comment
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:13:08 UTC from web
@rarity suresure
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:18:38 UTC from web-
I should read Twilight again.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:19:11 UTC from web
@rarity Wait, you mean you read the FA author's note blog entry on fimfiction?
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:20:28 UTC from web -
@rarity Is that a question?
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:21:04 UTC from web -
@rarity Cool!
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 14:21:39 UTC from web