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Hello Chat
It's been years, and I'm 2 years on HRT. Life has been hectic but great.
What's up?
Also grug, can't upload image on phone >:( -
It was called clopping, dad... and everypony did it...
thank god a highly experienced gynecologist showed up as probably one of the last things i'll see before this site dies
man i'll miss this place -
hey gamers its been a decade. oh my god.
about a month ago from web -
Gathering plans for my next D&D adventure and my stupid brain came up with that: introducing a magic mace that emits a forceful gale on a strike and calling it "Mace Windu".
about a month ago from web -
@scribus You like big batt' and you cannot lie.
I was in a bad way when I first came here and now it feels like I’m on a better track. Thank you to all who interacted with me here. You likely kept me alive.
Monday, 26-Oct-20 01:05:50 UTC from web -
I think it's probably time to be honest about this: I have neither the time, nor the motivation to work on this place anymore. There's stuff going on in my personal life I'd rather not get into, so in short: I'm probably going to finally turn this place off in the next few months. If you're interested in taking ownership, let me know, but know that I'd only be comfortable handing it off to someone I know and trust, rather than any rando that shows up.
I believe that today I had the privilege of putting the very first Taco Bell farts into a 2025 Infiniti SUV with 28 miles and a 6-figure asking price
@scribus cranberries and almonds are a great trail snack too, like a little treat I’ve been packing on trips