United States, Colorado OR Maine, who knows I was everywhere wtf
Some *gal who likes ponies and giant robots with the occasional pun in-between.
Edit: Im a Fluffle Puffing lesbiab now??
MetalTao (metaltao)
about 23 days ago from web -
@awl I really hope so tbh! Omg, genuinely don't know how much of it was unbearable XD
@nerthos Dude it's good to see you! And lmfao yeah
Am chaffing a laff at the FrankerZ I said but oh my god I didn't understand tone at all or social context wowwwww
@adiwan I was a freshly unmedicated menace, and I am sorry for a lot of it but thankful so much as well for everyone's patience in dealing with me. Frankly it was life changing being in a community where people treated me with autonomy and the ability to be responsible at all. It gave me a lot. Now I responsibly send boob pictures to hot dads :)
@adiwan I'm well aware don't worry lmao
Also, Giraffe Character...
about a month ago from web -
@adiwan Completely Valid, I have beautiful photographs of the mountains and being in the deep backwoods if y'all wanna see. It's fantastic!
Hello Chat
It's been years, and I'm 2 years on HRT. Life has been hectic but great.
What's up?
Also grug, can't upload image on phone >:( -
Woah that was hard to bring up, it did NOT want to stay
Cheers, Happy Holidays, everything is a big buggy
Also, lot has changed, new place, new boyfriend, new everything
Just, missing this part a lot, tho
Even if I was a bit of dick, lmao.
Glad to say I am still cringeSunday, 18-Dec-22 11:32:16 UTC from web -
Ahoy Minyoiii
Monday, 02-Nov-20 13:15:02 UTC from web -
Monday, 02-Nov-20 13:01:44 UTC from web -
@drinkingpony Naw man, replies are cool, but for some reason the UI was bugged, I had to hold down + Control Shift, and then hold left click to type something
The text box is REALLY hard to type with
Wednesday, 08-May-19 16:55:01 UTC from web -
Saturday, 18-Feb-17 17:38:39 UTC from web
@mrmattimation tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak-Tak
@nerthos Egg Sausage Muffin
@tiffany This is wonderful
@nerthos Punt Dunt grape
@tiffany What's a JoJo?
MaYBe I T' s LuPUS
Saturday, 18-Feb-17 16:16:14 UTC from web -
Also my reaction over the endangered species act repeal
Saturday, 18-Feb-17 15:59:25 UTC from web -
Am tired Hello http://pny.lv/1cuq5
Saturday, 18-Feb-17 15:58:52 UTC from web -
I must have crossed their path again
Thursday, 09-Feb-17 09:01:45 UTC from web -
Why do I see a Black Cat angry with me?
Thursday, 09-Feb-17 09:01:31 UTC from web -
@m14brony This is a fate I am ok with
**Chugs Tap water fervishly**
Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:06:47 UTC from web