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Lesbian, Gay, Bi, & Trans Ponies
A place where LGBT My Little Pony fans come together. Join us, we have rainbows in our cookies!
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, & Trans Ponies (lgbt) group
The homophobes have suffered another setback in the USA:
:)Tuesday, 07-Oct-14 06:15:30 UTC from web- Dashie Skylar Wolf likes this.
@m14brony Utah? AWESOME.
@m14brony yay :D
@chaosmagic also that means the us is more for quality than austria
Feminine guys are the cutest guys.
Sunday, 31-Aug-14 14:52:39 UTC from web-
@m14brony and you are yourself feminine or what?
@chaosmagic Nope.
@m14brony so are you more masculine?
Hello everypony. so, where are the exciting places to go to on this site?
Friday, 20-Jun-14 20:51:19 UTC from web -
H-Hello everypony, im new to the site *blush*
Friday, 20-Jun-14 20:21:41 UTC from web -
!lgbt My home state of Minnesota legalized same-sex marriage recently. I believe this legislation goes into effect on August 1st. :) We still have a long way to go when it comes to the struggle for marriage equality, but at the same time, we have made tremendous progress during the past decade (12 states in the US now recognize same-sex marriage).
Sunday, 02-Jun-13 07:21:29 UTC from web -
!lgbt I am a StM (Stallion to Mare or Male to Female) transgender. I am trying to be more open about my gender identity, I mostly told my mom, aunt, and internet friends. It's hard to be me in this area. Thx for this club guys. I am Bryant (my female name is Lauren or Lily for short.)
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:52:07 UTC from web-
@lilyxhardcore awesome! Good for you for doing what you wish.
@lilyxhardcore Best of luck to ya. I hope it all goes well for you :)
@lilyxhardcore !lgbt Greetings. :)
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
... Can I borrow a master ball? It's for a good cause guys.
Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 16:15:16 UTC from web- Scribus likes this.
@crusader8 If the kid were to just annoy someone smarter than him without reason, I would just say to him "you earned it, deal with the consequences" I would be filth if I were to give reason or protect someone just because that person shares blood with me, regardless of the situation. I try to be as impartial as I can.
@nerthos that would be fine if it were that simple. You're not going to know what happened to him or her because odds are this would happen at school. It will be difficult to discern what actually happened. The only problem with kids deciding who smarter than who to see who should be put in place is just that - these are kids deciding who "deserves" to be treated like that. Even if your kid did something to murdock them off, it's the faculty's job (and yours) to rectify the behavior. Waiting for his or her peers get even is very poor parenting if you actually want your kid to grow up. Also, you can't be impartial - it's your kid! Being impartial would actually be bad for the kid. This is all parenting 101 so it's not necessary to delve further unless you're actually putting serious thought in siring a child. But, aren't you like, a kid yerself?
@crusader8 I'm 19. I won't raise a kid, but I don't care either about what would be good for him, but what would be right to do. Being impartial is one of the most important things for justice. I won't stain my honor for some kid.
Decided to make a !Steam group that might tickle some people's fancy on here; !lgbt
Sunday, 15-Jul-12 16:23:41 UTC from web -
So Oreos are seriously being boycotted by some due to a post on their facebook page in favor of gay Pride on June 25th... I... well un truly... DO NOT want to live on this planet anymore...
Thursday, 28-Jun-12 21:40:11 UTC from web- The white void likes this.
@wafers You'd be surprised the kung-fu grip religion has on the throats of our liberties.
@crusader8 It definitely still has a major impact, just not nearly as much as pre-renissance. Nice avatar by the way.
@wafers Thanks! Today's impact is still strong, only subtle now.
!lgbt While admittedly I'm not actually sure /where/ I fall on the sexuality spectrum, I think I lean towards bi/hetero. Even so, I support LGBTQ rights. Does that count? :D
Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 04:07:58 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his homo level!
- likes this. -
@thelastgherkin NEIN
Huh, I just noticed I'm a member of !lgbt while being asexual. Oh well, guess I'll stay simply because I support non-standard sexualitise. Seems there is no asexual group though, perhaps I should make one (or not).
Sunday, 24-Jun-12 09:08:14 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 07:07:28 UTC from web
@minti yuo're in both so you can properly use !straight and !lbgt
@greydragon412 ... I guess that can be my reason. Nice thinking, gray.
@minti Or because you developed two gender identities but are only in one gender. If you think about that, if you were into a girl, you could count as lesbian and as straight.
Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 07:02:47 UTC from web
@thatonepony Protip: don't use teeth to suck except when you really know what you are doing.
@thatonepony it happens. Either way, it'd cost MORE than a band spankin new car to get fixed $25k to be percise, at least according to every dentist I've tried
@thatonepony >"teeth" and "suck a dick" in the same sentence
!lgbt Greetings, everypony. I am a bisexual male from the US state of Minnesota. I also think that Fred Phelps is dealing with a bad case of latent homosexuality. :D
Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 03:29:09 UTC from web -
So I am currently admin for the !braeburn group, the !lgbt group, and now the !stallions group.... I am a brilliant person...
Sunday, 17-Jun-12 14:13:33 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Screw heterosexuality.
The white void likes this. -
@purplephish20 I agree :)
@purplephish20 @scribble This is me... This is my online identity summed up right here...
Katy Brown likes this.
So if there are groups for straight and bi/gay/etc. ponies, does this mean I can make a group for ponies who have no idea what the hell their sexuality is even doing?
Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:37:25 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 @cavatina CRUSH. KILL. DESTROY.
@purplephish20 @Scribble bingo :3
@scribble SWAAG
Im going to request again now other people are online, does anyone have any pictures of ponies wearing dresses? Long dresses, as in one long piece of fabric.
Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:18:06 UTC from web-
@scribus Nope, but now I'm worried about what that picture might be if it's what you immediately assume when someone's screaming at a picture.
@bitshift It's a fursuit similar to the Dash one you posted. Total nightmare screwjob, someone will probably redash it if we discuss it enough. BUT I MUST AWAY!!
@scribus exactly what I was thinking
Monday, 02-Apr-12 21:44:01 UTC from web
Those times when you feel like the only !straight person on the site.
Monday, 02-Apr-12 18:33:05 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Being secure with my masculinity is my thing haha
@redenchilada You're not alone, man. There are like, five of us! We are legion!
@redenchilada ditto.
Because about 95% of the members of this long deceased group have now left the site, I now present to those who werent here earlier; THE NEW, SHINY GROUP FOR !lgbt PONIES! as has been said before, join if you qualify! we have rainbows in our cookies!
Saturday, 17-Mar-12 23:16:43 UTC from web -
!lgbtqiponies I'm MtF Transgendered, BIsexual too.
Saturday, 17-Mar-12 21:50:47 UTC from web-
@cavatina yeah, I'm saying the group needs rebooting as the names too big, and the only admin stormed off months ago
@purplephish20 Yeah...mebbeh i'll do eet o3o
@cavatina It seems I'm now admin, so I'll change it
I have no issues with gays, nor bisexuals. I my self am a sexual, I could care less about being in a relationship.
Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 15:21:26 UTC from web -
any !lgbtponies here?
Sunday, 06-Nov-11 00:03:31 UTC from web-
@chaosmagic It's not by any means widespread, but I have seen it online.
@scribus oh o.o I will look it up
@moonprincess It wasn't my idea.
!lgbtqiponies So my mom, who has never really been supportive or particularly pleased by my lifestyle (she's a christian, and I know what her thoughts on the subject is.) though never really condemning me either just mentioned a local gay dating website she heard of from a coworker to me, suggesting I try it out. I really am not interested in online dating, but I have to say I was really touched at the gesture. I never imagined she would actually try to help me get a boyfriend. I actually kind of wanted to cry a little bit when I realized the implications.
Sunday, 15-May-11 05:10:30 UTC from web- Thomas K likes this.
@adrianbrony Hey, love, tolerance, and just a bit of patience can work wonders.
@adrianbrony And yeah, I know that sounded corny, blame the rum ;)
Wednesday, 11-May-11 08:39:52 UTC from web
- Prism Quartz likes this.
@pinkamina That is freaking amazing!
@pinkamina I'm liking this idea. I also wonder if anyone's complained about it being "not serious enough" or something?
!lgbtqiponies There's a new chapter of Wandering Son out! Straight from the scanlator...
Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 22:20:24 UTC from web- Matt likes this.
!lgbtqiponies New round of April Fool's stories. ClericalError by Chistery is a worthwhile, if depressing, read. That ending. I nearly cried
Monday, 11-Apr-11 11:33:37 UTC from web -
!lgbtqiponies @tinwhistle They have an official announcement, but they took it off the front page. The forums are at You can find the announcement in the News forum, but they've locked it.
Sunday, 10-Apr-11 03:44:30 UTC from web-
@tinwhistle Query, while I am straight, where exactly are these forums. And what exactly happened?
!lgbtqiponies @tinwhistle The Equestria roleplay forum has banned trans characters from the roleplay, and all mentions of anything trans from their board and chat room. #headdesk #lgbt #equestriaforum
Sunday, 10-Apr-11 03:35:51 UTC from web