Hug renovatedkitchen (hugrenovatedkitchen) group
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
Friday, 10-Aug-12 08:53:01 UTC from web
@cavatina Im good. I heard you had some kind of computer crash? :/ Youre more than useful!
@renovatedkitchen I did, i revived it with a cheap, second hand motherboard, but this thing is likely to explode now knowing my luck~. Replacing the entire rig soon though. My last "powerful" system was by 2007's standards for mid range. This system is slow by 2006 standards, always has been, except now it has diabetes and cancer and everything xD
@cavatina lol. I'm sorry about that. My poor dell laptop is on its last legs too. Hard drive makes sounds sounds and I installed speed fan, yet the thing still overheats. Also, the amount of abuse I give the thing isn't helping xD. Hopefully that epic rig will be up and running again soon! *hugs*
@princesstrixie saying that is about the only thing that stops my uncle from asking me what the hell is wrong with me, have I been sniffing glue, insults, all that fun stuff. At least now he knows that yes I do have problems. How was your day? Do anything?
Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 05:42:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@flamebrony88 was referring to the post count. But what's up?
@renovatedkitchen Of course, that's always something to think about. Gentoo, for example, gives even more freedom but you shouldn't expect to have a working system in less than eight hours (and that's probably a bit on the bright side), which really is a tad bit too long for my taste. Arch can be set up decently in half an hour or so, but I must admit that the first time took me several hours as well.
@omni it definitely sounds interesting. I may try it after I format my computer. Just for the experience.
@queenchrysalis that's not too good bud. Although admitingly, I just want to drink a bunch of antifreeze and call it a day. Will you be okay?
Saturday, 23-Jun-12 20:45:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@hakupony speech to sad?
@cloudchaser Nah - I just kind of don't focus on this site and jsut post if I ave attention to spare :)
@hakupony lol
Saturday, 23-Jun-12 12:35:20 UTC from web
Saturday, 23-Jun-12 12:34:40 UTC from web
Saturday, 23-Jun-12 11:16:32 UTC from web