derpyshy / chem (shyderp)
helo skye
currently dating @liquidusmira.. it really is a small world huh
Sunday, 28-Nov-21 10:46:36 UTC from web -
That was a good hotdog
Saturday, 05-Aug-17 02:25:59 UTC from web -
@nerthos Duh, that's kind of the point of being invisible
@bobo I'll try it out tomorrow! I just bookmarked it
@yodelerty holy hell that was fast
*appears then disappears* whoosh
@mushi Polish? Why's that?
@mushi I'm doing good :3 Ripping some music at the moment. You?
@mushi Yppu yppu yppu
@mushi MUSHMUSH!
!Piggynibbling. That is all.
@techdisk Happy birthday!
@techdisk How are you? OvO
@techdisk Oy :3
@jakefromstatefarm Ah. I hope that solves it then :3
@jakefromstatefarm What did you make it in?
@jakefromstatefarm oy that's racist
@chemicalkitten your*
@mushi I'd rather not tell, as that would just make me stress, worry and cry more. That's good to hear though c: Done anything fun?
@redenchilada don't believe you life
@mrmattimation Oh no my innocence
@mushi Stressing, worrying, crying, that sort of thing mostly. You? :3
@mushi I have become the kittenest chemical.
*casually sheds skin*
@mushi I doubt I will, but thanks c: If only I knew her number, address, or anything else that I could use to contact her. All I have is her email and RDN account. But if she can't access the internet, that doesn't help much..
@mushi and yes it us v.v