Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
http://www.youtube.com/user/PutTrustInFateHi everypony! ^.^ I'm Forest Rain. I produce music (alternative, orchestral, pop), sing, paint, and narrate fanfictions. I love nature, art, music, and the use of technology for good. I am proudly a blank flank! ;p
More details...Forest Rain (forestrain)
@meloetta Ah, kinda like Ponycraft. Heh
@meloetta Pixelmon? What be that?
New Minecraft server, eh? A couple new things around here, I guess. ;p
@redenchilada Hm, I'll check it out. Thanks! ^.^
Hey RDN-- I need to find a really good fanfiction with Twilight as a lead. Any suggestions?
@mushi Haha, 4 hours late, but hey Mushi~ ^.^
@techdisk Hehe, thanks! We started work on it like... nine months ago, and decided to save it for winter. Just now picked it back up. Heh.
Actually, I've been working on a song with Turquoise Splash that I'm trying to get out soon. You guys can preview if y'like. ^.^ http://ur1.ca/gjn9d
@snowcone lol, I always have used 'em. ^.^
@mastertdi Hai! ^.^
@techdisk Hey Tech! ^.^ How's things?
@mrmattimation Yeah, Join the Herd was kinda overplayed for a bit. ;p
@snowcone Oh thanks! ^.^
@themoetyphoon Best year.
@mastertdi I know, right?
@mrmattimation Keeping really busy this week! ;p Was in a chat with Digibrony earlier, and we mentioned RBN, so I decided to pop in. ;p
@themoetyphoon Woah. It was actually more than a year. That's one hell of a pizza. ^.^
@themoetyphoon Noooo. I've been on at least once in the last year.
@thelastgherkin lmao, how long was I picking up a pizza for?
>.> <.<
And now, to go pickup pizza. ^.^
@vt3c ^.^ Hope you enjoy my stuff~
@redenchilada Quick suggestion for the site: Make links in the timeline target="_blank". ;p
@vt3c Thank you! ^.^ If you want to get lost in a narration for the next several days, check out Upheaval: Breaking Point. ;p
@mushi :D
@crusader8 Pfft, I love crying. Why do you think I read so many sad fics? ;p I just read Eternal, and all throughout the last two or three chapters, I just cried and cried.... It was fantastic. ;p
@vt3c ^.^ If you're in for more crying, try reading The Ballad of Derpy Hooves.
@vt3c *hugs!!*
@redenchilada Yeah, there was a bunch of issues that arose from that that affected a bunch of people... >.> BfG learned their lesson when it comes to merging Mic events with other things. :/