Firestorm (firestormdangerdash)

  1. @adiwan huh. Do you think its a coding website issue, or just how modern browsers edited the upload system?

    about a year ago from web in context
  2. So, I notice I cant attach any images. Been like that for a few days. New setting or Chrome option I have to toggle?

    about a year ago from web in context
  3. @adiwan Thank you. I never cared about life direction. But I knew how to handle my life. Now I was scared for a long time since I had rights and independence medically stripped from me on doctors orders. My future feels dead. My career probably is too. There is a slow path that might get my some rights back. But is that enough to be free? Idk. And easily undone if a doctor comes up with a new condition to give me. My only breaking point is just ignoring the medical and thus law to rebuild my life. Worst case I will lose what I already lost. Freedom.

    about a year ago from web in context
  4. So. I was in a very bad car crash a a few months ago. Hit from two sides. Highway speed. Now insurance and law are sniffing at me with hunger no doubt, and medical is listing me with a hundred and one reasons why I can't be a functional adult, but my lack of injuries and lack of symptoms are making it worse, since I can't safely get any kind of long term income cause im not injured but the medical file bars me from working or driving. My only hope is loopholes in laws and maybe some good graces of those that dont care to sign off on me for the odd thing. But I bananaed off a higher power.

    about a year ago from web in context
  5. Test

    Saturday, 08-Jul-23 19:49:04 UTC from web
  6. You got any ideas why Ostatus wount let me remote sub on baraag? Also does it allow me to see posts or just a easy follow button? @ceruleanspark

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 07:04:09 UTC from web
  7. Much rejoicing for the demo bein live @tonyyotes

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 07:01:42 UTC from web
  8. Hey can anyone shout out why remote connection doesnt allow some users and does others? I got some on here, then tried to add one and the system cant find it now

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 06:48:39 UTC from web
  9. Here you go kids

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-22 06:42:43 UTC from web
  10. When I look at the boxes of Horse stuff I have shoved away*

    Tuesday, 03-Aug-21 10:20:31 UTC from web
  11. @mariomario4156 We can try damn it!

    Monday, 02-Aug-21 12:24:08 UTC from web in context
  12. @oracle

    Monday, 02-Aug-21 12:22:42 UTC from web in context
  13. =0

    Monday, 02-Aug-21 12:21:43 UTC from web
  14. Hello there.

    Sunday, 06-Dec-20 01:28:27 UTC from web in context

    Sunday, 17-May-20 15:14:57 UTC from web
  16. @adiwan buy a pressure cooker and you can cook rice and more in minutes.

    Sunday, 19-Jan-20 20:09:59 UTC from web in context
  17. @jackpipsam dont hurt me like that. I still miss eqbeats and 20%cooler. Actuakly enjoyed cloudsdale too.

    Saturday, 18-Jan-20 09:34:46 UTC from web in context
  18. Not bad.jpeg

    Saturday, 18-Jan-20 09:32:40 UTC from web
  19. Posted a link to this website. Mandalorian icon pops up.

    Saturday, 18-Jan-20 09:32:10 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 08-Oct-19 20:58:29 UTC from web in context
  21. Yeye

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 06:23:33 UTC from web
  22. Doin taxes like

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 06:15:39 UTC from web in context
  23. Hey, at least they handed out a second gem shop for the first time in 7 years last event!

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:55:44 UTC from web
  24. But what can they do. Can I reply to a post via it. Or is it a basic notificatiom they posted something?

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:47:42 UTC from web
  25. So I relearned a bit of remote connections.

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:46:51 UTC from web
  26. @mushi *le glomp*

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:39:51 UTC from web
  27. I also should of made a post fir a meetup at BronyCon. Totally slipped my mind. Hell of a show.

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:19:20 UTC from web
  28. Would my rdn @ handle work for

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:13:59 UTC from web in context
  29. Carrier has arrived!

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:13:25 UTC from web
  30. @drinkingpony myself? 100% all quests.... i uh. It took me years. Many years. Same for Fallout 3.

    Sunday, 12-May-19 03:52:12 UTC from web in context