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Gameloft's My Little Pony Gamers

Gameloft's My Little Pony Gamers

!gameloft derpyinabox unlocked

Ponyville, Equestria

Share your friend info, ask questions, or just kick back while you defeat Nightmare Moon. Gameloft's My Little Pony game for iOS and Android is an official game produced by Hasbro Games and Gameloft.
It is FREE to play.
Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Download for Android . . . . .
Download for iOS . . . . . . . . .
Unaffiliated FB group . . . . . .
Gameloft Tech Support . . . .
Old hack-compatible .APK . .
Old Android Trainer/Hack . . .
New iOS/Andr. Trainer/Hack
Back up save data no hack .
^ Android only

Gameloft's My Little Pony Gamers (gameloft) group


  1. Hey, at least they handed out a second gem shop for the first time in 7 years last event!

    Sunday, 01-Sep-19 05:55:44 UTC from web
  2. @pony Luna's Dreamwalk trainer seems to work with the latest Android versions (I installed the APK from the group topic, the game automatically updated, but my save file still worked with version 3.0)

    Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 09:52:54 UTC from web
  3. I think I've reached the part of the !gameloft game where it holds your progress hostage until you start paying up.

    Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 05:32:07 UTC from web
  4. That feel when your not the level to buy !Rainbow_Dash at discount !bestgame

    Saturday, 16-Nov-13 23:36:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  5. Aw come on. My little sister spent some of my gems. :( !gameloft

    Tuesday, 05-Nov-13 04:51:13 UTC from web
  6. !gameloft Anyone know how I go about getting more Kindness and Loyalty shards? Is it just luck of the draw when getting things from shops and such?

    Sunday, 03-Nov-13 17:06:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  7. !gameloft I has pony. My ID is Miss_Loki

    Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 08:57:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. @pony !bestgame LP of sorts - opinions? :P

    Thursday, 31-Oct-13 08:48:49 UTC from web
  9. !gameloft Sent a few friend requests out to GL usernames. If you want to hang out my GL handle is "Neurario" - I'm playing now and then just to pass time (mostly just to collect bits at the moment)

    Thursday, 31-Oct-13 07:55:08 UTC from web
  10. Also I had a crazy idea. What if I did an LP series of the !gameloft app?

    Thursday, 31-Oct-13 03:14:25 UTC from web
    • !gameloft Just set myself up an ID :) "Neurario" for folks who feel the need to connect with me :p

      Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 10:20:40 UTC from web
      • I got the MLP game. I dunno if anyone still plays it, but if so mention me and I'll give you my GameLoft ID. *vanishes into the darkness*

        Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 08:39:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Oh hell, this is too cute, !gameloft did a nightmare night update and the mane six all all in costume.

        Friday, 25-Oct-13 16:11:13 UTC from web
      • I has ticket take me now-->

        Thursday, 24-Oct-13 12:07:24 UTC from web
      • @#lightshipping of background foals

        Wednesday, 23-Oct-13 23:25:25 UTC from web
      • !gameloft After obtaining Flash Sentry as grand prize for filling the progress bar, the next prize is this statue apparently. I don't have nearly enough time to win it though.

        Friday, 18-Oct-13 18:57:10 UTC from web
      • My new high score for the dance game (and probably my final high score) is 1950 after an 18% boost. !gameloft

        Friday, 18-Oct-13 18:55:27 UTC from web
        • incidentally, my best score in the dancing minigame... !gameloft

          Friday, 18-Oct-13 17:29:06 UTC from web
        • napping didn't happen. I'm waiting for me phone to cool down so I can finishe the dancing event on !gameloft pony game.

          Friday, 18-Oct-13 17:28:10 UTC from web
        • Given there seem to be many great pony fan games on the horizon as well as, hopefully, some official ones like the TCG, etc., maybe it's time I remove !bestgame's tag as bestgame.

          Monday, 23-Sep-13 06:15:13 UTC from web
          • Major !gameloft update. Also, there's a contest going on for 500 free gems.

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 18:46:03 UTC from web
          • Finally found a android device to run !bestgame but its a no name unrootable non google play-able device. aint that a kick in the pants? gotta find a device that I can put my mlp_save.dat in the right place. #

            Sunday, 14-Jul-13 17:02:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • So i got the free My Little Pony app for iPhone...this stuff is addicting!

            Thursday, 20-Jun-13 18:18:23 UTC from web
          • Hah! !gameloft

            Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 22:02:02 UTC from web
            • A wild Sunset Shimmer appeared. !gameloft

              Friday, 14-Jun-13 10:34:28 UTC from web
              • New noteworthy addition to the ponies in !gameloft ..

                Friday, 14-Jun-13 02:21:16 UTC from web
              • A new !gameloft update came yesterday for Android and iOS. They finally fixed the accepting gifts from friends bug (now you can accept more than 1 at a time without refreshing). There's also a new theater building that is supposed to let players watch ads in exchange for a few gems each. I didn't keep track on my phone, but other players have said they aren't being awarded the gems. Maybe they'll be awarded on a delay like the offers, or maybe it's a bug. I dunno. Lastly.. FLUTTERSHICON!

                Friday, 14-Jun-13 00:10:23 UTC from web
              • So far I have tried 3 different products to get MLP running. All attempts have met with failure... !gameloft

                Sunday, 02-Jun-13 05:56:07 UTC from web
                • @snowcone I'm rooting for you pony! You could also try an iOS emulator for windows.. I forgot the name of the one I tried. It didn't have the official iOS app store because of copyright stuff I think, but I submitted a request back when the game first came out that they add !gameloft mlp to their own app store. If you're lucky it could be there.

                  Thursday, 23-May-13 06:49:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • @snowcone also, if you do get it working on your PC you could almost definitely use the hack I've used several times now. After playing through once honestly my game went sour and !gameloft support wouldn't help me so I had to restart it altogether. Not wishing to lose the $10 i'd spent on gems as well as the $100 worth (at least) that i'd earned, I hacked it to regain my progress. I wrote a guide that's linked in the GL group here on RDN.

                  Thursday, 23-May-13 06:41:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid