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More details...William (awlderpy)
@colfax Well now I'm disillusioned. Can't trust Hollywood it seems.
@colfax For some reason I always imagined you having it on a sling, carrying on your back like the Shoveler from Mystery Men but much more badass.
@colfax Must be a beauty.
@stardust It takes two to tango. Saying "I don't care" so many times does nothing to show it you know.
Should have said, "just chill out"
@vt3c It's a good 20 degrees cooler outside if what you're saying is true; give it time.
@vt3c Can you open your window and put a fan in it?
@mastertdi Goodnight.
Listening to lessons on Mongolian pronunciation, seems quite simple. Different sounds than Turkic, which I didn't expect but my background knowledge is likely really helping matters.
Tuesday, 27-May-14 01:34:24 UTC from web -
Dude, Mongolian lessons online. Alright, going to devote myself to this.
Tuesday, 27-May-14 01:07:51 UTC from web -
@mastertdi As I was walking down Rub-a-Dub Square, not a chill to the weather but a nip to the air~
Huh, ales is on a tangent that's kind of nippy
@mrmattimation No. How can anyone think that thinking something's wrong with that person is bad?
@mastertdi it's k lmao
@mastertdi Ales pls
The day that line of thinking becomes the norm, humanity has failed.
It's hot today.
Convulsing Cauliflower
Tuesday, 27-May-14 00:43:57 UTC from web -
@mushi Ha!
Maleficent mangoes
Tuesday, 27-May-14 00:42:12 UTC from web -
Over-analytic okra
Tuesday, 27-May-14 00:39:30 UTC from web -
Volatile vegetables
Ferrous fruits.
Tuesday, 27-May-14 00:36:08 UTC from web -
Terror's the product you push. Well I'm a truth addict, oh dole I got a head rush
Tuesday, 27-May-14 00:18:40 UTC from web -
Too bad we can't wear shorts in the garage (admittedly it's not the best of ideas), i didn't get as bad. Might have to take a run or something when shift is over.
Monday, 26-May-14 21:44:58 UTC from web -
@northernnarwhal it isn't bad, in a subjective form. I prefer cane sugar in sodas if i bother with them but, what can you do.
@northernnarwhal what about Baja Blast though
For doing nothing today on the clock i'm doing alright.
Monday, 26-May-14 21:29:44 UTC from web -
@mastertdi ayyyyyyyy