@mushi not really just drinking finnish vodka and waiting for my new forest harvester to arrive so i can go to work.. #lateresponse
@idioticmeme cool cool
@idioticmeme er happened
@idioticmeme sorry to hear that you had to end your service early but it is still pretty good cos we were tough to fight against a different countries special forces. so it would be a shame to fright against some one i kind of know if there would be some sort of unpleasant conflict..what i wi´sh that would nw
@idioticmeme holy crap you were there for a long time!! please tell me that you weren't a trasined as spetsnaz..
@idioticmeme it had some parts of it's story were pretty much like the moments from the revenge of the sith
@tiffany yeah.. night marches and attacks were perty much the worst..
@idioticmeme cool cool! in wich country were you trained as soldir (sorry if you remember me, cos i might not remember your user name)
@tiffany nah.. it was fine. atleast we got to run/march while it were day light so it was pertty easy
@mushi yeah i remember him! i actually tough that he were a mod before.. ackward.. but any ways say hi to him wen you see him and if i'm not round
@tiffany yeah in one practce an ''enemy'' detected five of our companys phones in one night and shot about 300-400 hundred
APMs to destroy ud und then because of that we all had to run like 130 kilometer the next two days -
@mushi a right man got the job if anyone asks me :D
@tiffany well we were told that battlefield comes fist and that you aren't allowd to bring a smartphone ore any other mobile device there
@mushi HEY! ÄIJJÄ!! i just heard that you became a mod here!! congrats man!!
@tiffany mushi became a mod?! that's awesome! i have to congratulate him! i tried to drop by here every now and then when i were in army but i were quite busy so iwerent able..
@tiffany normal year in finnish guys life :DD Has anything special happened here whil i have been gone
@mushi you ate them!? magic mushrooms?
@tiffany i got out from finnish army got a 100000 loan and bought a harvester.. nothing too special
@mushi oh cool!
@tiffany of course i'm gonna congratulate you man! what have you been up to
@mushi aw shame..
@tiffany oh shoot!! happy birthday mate
@mushi well if brazil has a conflict and we don't have one i'm gonna cone and bsck you guys up
@mushi how is your chemistry(?) going
@mushi well army had its good moments too but i am glad it is over
@mushi yeah! now it is only the work and loan hell in front of me :DD
@mushi good good! pretty drunk, and out from finnish army
@finnishguy you forgot to use space between your words idiot
@mushi heyyy! whats up my Brazilian bro!