Donkey Kong Country
sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese
More details...Solidus Sans (liquidusmira)
it is time to discuss the butt
about 5 months ago from web -
may the 1st be with ME, not you
about 5 months ago from web -
i'm rising from my grave on scary trans day to tell you horses are not real
it's great being someone's pet because it doesn't require me to think, i can just meow at them and they love it
about 8 months ago from web -
i'm going to kiss hbomberguy directly on his beautiful bald head
about 10 months ago from web -
@scribus i just had to spend $1500 to fix my car so same
@mushi me too but i am kissing you as a homie
@mushi i am kissing you on the lips right now
@mushi that's the FAKE silksong
@scribus boo
@liquidusmira this has been your yearly post from me
Silksong Never
it is time to discuss the butt
This site is just like Undertale!
oh hell yeah dude, shearling jacket for men and available in a discount price??
Wednesday, 20-Jan-21 02:34:04 UTC from web -
it is time to discuss the butt
apparently in Pokémon 2 you can finally commit treason against the government which is good because before we'd never even seen the government
i'm trying to sneak around but i'm dummy an idiot
almost forgot what my username was so i assumed i had been purged but it turns out i am just forgetful
Thanos should have gone for this head *pulls down pants revealing another Thanos head*
Monday, 29-Apr-19 16:17:38 UTC from web -
it's hard being a muslim furry in trump's america
i have edited my profile so i am now almost unrecognizable except not really
Tuesday, 22-Jan-19 20:13:10 UTC from web -
it was all a dream
Tuesday, 22-Jan-19 20:08:55 UTC from web -
@awl stinky lad
@yodelerty i'm 99% sure I already posted this exact message
we are gamers, for we always lose, and a true gamer never loses except when their mean sibling takes the controller away like a dumb doo doo head, stop it brad i'm telling mom
surely there are more active sites than this to spam big dong meds
@scribus good ol fun
big doo doo