Hotpotato Butterfingers (spots)
yall are still here?
Wednesday, 12-Jul-17 05:31:46 UTC from web -
I think I might just throw up
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:19:35 UTC from web -
Is this just what this is like all the time?
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:15:27 UTC from web -
This election sis no longer canon
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:07:27 UTC from web -
Nothing is real y'all
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 05:01:27 UTC from web -
Everything going agonizingly slowly
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 04:55:53 UTC from web -
I'm going to have to go through ALL of high school with papayaing Trump as president???? And the effects of hsi presidency will last even longetr What the cherry! What vthe apple what the kiwi what the FrankerZ
I'm just a kid I hshouldn't have to be worried about this
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 04:38:02 UTC from web -
This is a bad dream, isn't it
Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 02:57:06 UTC from web -
yesterday was apparently the 4th anniversary of joining the game that has given me so many friends and led to so many great times and that is really weird for me
Sunday, 09-Oct-16 18:27:26 UTC from web -
@awl Yeah, we didn't have to do that at least, we did watch a video that went into depth about that particular bit though and I feel like that was weird enough
Today in history I got to mummify an Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie doll and it was fun, in a kinda weird way
@thelastgherkin you were right, I'm just very lonely
I was in the homecoming parade today and it was such a fun time, even though it was raining and the background for our float got soggy and ripped to shreds ;-;7
Friday, 30-Sep-16 01:02:47 UTC from web -
thank you, spotify, for convincing me I deleted one of my main playlists, and then, just to further my frustration, play the same song six times in a row
Sunday, 25-Sep-16 03:53:36 UTC from web -
why do people hate the friend zone so much? I would love to be in a zone full of friends. that sounds so nice.
It's still bothering me though!!
Thursday, 22-Sep-16 01:44:50 UTC from web -
Today my Biology teacher tried to tell us that we only used 10% of our brains and I really wanted to say something but I didn't, because I don't wanna seem like some kinda SMARTASS
Thursday, 22-Sep-16 01:44:39 UTC from web -
I have $15 on iTunes and it's so stressful having to pick out just certain songs to make the cut
Friday, 16-Sep-16 00:53:39 UTC from web -
Happy birth @mrmattimation
@stumperman you're right
Important life update: I saw SEVEN dogs on the way home from school today, that's so many
@mushi I do what I want
The One Punch Man dub is apparently halfway out now and it's kinda weird to hear, but it's actually pretty good
I have a test on the second day, so that's something to look forward to I guess
Tuesday, 23-Aug-16 13:18:24 UTC from web -
@awl I wasn't aware that was something elsewhere, we've always started before then around this time as far as I remember
It's my last day of summer and I'm not ready for school
I think I have a cold, which is STUPID because it's August. Like, knock it off with that crap, or at least wait until September or something!!
Sunday, 21-Aug-16 17:18:44 UTC from web