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!ponycraft mc minecraft
A group for all the minecraft players on RADN
Minecraft Gaming Group (ponycraft) group
I am having a devil of a time with redstone and command blocks in !Minecraft
Tuesday, 15-Aug-17 03:55:20 UTC from web -
I don't like kludging my !Minecraft server this way but it's too late for Mountain Dew so I can't muster better
Monday, 14-Aug-17 05:07:33 UTC from web -
If anybody had an inclination to raise hell on a !Minecraft server more or less at random, I'm goofing off with one at >> / << As long as I don't get sued or injured, I probably don't care what happens; I'm just figuring out the plugins and backend right now. !vgp #mcmmo #essentialsx #spigot
Thursday, 20-Jul-17 05:00:11 UTC from web -
Anybody know of a simple space !Minecraft server software?
Wednesday, 12-Jul-17 19:30:28 UTC from web -
Thursday, 02-Feb-17 20:08:16 UTC from web
I wonder if there are any !Minecraft servers hidden on the deep web?
Well, finished making a wicked-bad obsidian and lava pyramid volcano; guess I may as well go to bed now. !minecraft
Wednesday, 07-Oct-15 05:31:57 UTC from web -
A fittingly crappy website for my crappy !minecraft server. <3
Thursday, 01-Oct-15 14:42:29 UTC from web -
OK, I think good ol' Latrobe might be up for better or for worse. !minecraft
Thursday, 01-Oct-15 02:53:52 UTC from web -
Hey, who wants to do me a solid and connect to my stupid !Minecraft server at and tell me how crappy it is? :3
Wednesday, 30-Sep-15 02:35:59 UTC from web -
Aww, man, Bukkit's dead!? And I was just inspired to start messing around with !Minecraft plugins. :c
Wednesday, 16-Sep-15 02:35:37 UTC from web-
@scribus You're just gonna have to use an older version. My friends and I have been on 1.7.10 for a while.
@mrmattimation All I wanted was a random respawn so I could have a persistent world but lose my stuff when I die. Like, a semi-hardcore mode. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?
@mrmattimation I do believe I've got it, thanks. !)
I am really rather surprised and impressed by how much of my old !Minecraft castle is still standing.
Friday, 11-Sep-15 05:30:53 UTC from web -
Do I need to download some kind of a thing to !stream from Twitch?
Tuesday, 14-Jul-15 04:51:58 UTC from web-
@scribus I was really hoping to find out you were the group admin
@teedus I have probably forgotten whether or not groups of which I was the founder existed at one point or another.
@mrmattimation Well that's poop.
Not sure what kind of church this is, but I built it for my castle town. !minecraft
Saturday, 07-Feb-15 22:57:49 UTC from web -
Another angle, by daylight. !minecraft
Friday, 06-Feb-15 19:51:57 UTC from web -
A !minecraft work in progress.
Friday, 06-Feb-15 19:45:53 UTC from web-
@scribus Woah. I wish I had beacons. I don't even have one wither skull.
@adiwan Well, I'm on an economy server, I just bought them. <_<
@scribus Aaah. This explains all. I'm just playing survival minecraft. I wish I had a beacon with haste 2 then I had my guardian farm finished ages ago. I'm glad I have a good supply with diamond pickaxes from my villagers to repair my good pickaxes.
Sunday, 18-Jan-15 22:59:01 UTC from web
@scribus too late, where was your psa then!?
@drunksword Where was the PSA when *I* needed it most!?
@scribus Thanks Obama
The graveyard is way too big. None of my kids have lived to adulthood. Maybe I'm a really bad father. !Minecraft
Friday, 26-Dec-14 07:48:16 UTC from web -
Somebody either bought 432 eggs from me by the dozen, or took advantage of my one free egg offer to take 432 eggs from me one at a time in !Minecraft.
Sunday, 21-Dec-14 23:45:36 UTC from web -
I wonder if the !minecraft server I play on would allow my " nudist" skin.... #nsfw-ish
Sunday, 21-Dec-14 07:12:09 UTC from web -
Saturday, 20-Dec-14 21:50:36 UTC from web
Set up an automatic nightly fireworks show on my !Minecraft residence. This is the closest I have come to accomplishing anything with my life for a disappointingly long time.
Saturday, 20-Dec-14 19:02:24 UTC from web -
Harvesting snow for an Xmas party on !Minecraft because #ihavenolife
Saturday, 13-Dec-14 04:49:06 UTC from web -
I built a water slide! !minecraft
Tuesday, 09-Dec-14 03:43:47 UTC from web -
Aww, hell; !Minecraft ate my sleep schedule. I'll catch some portion of you later!
!Minecraft hottub in a bikini.
Sunday, 07-Dec-14 12:16:50 UTC from web -
I am the best at !minecraft
Sunday, 16-Nov-14 02:09:41 UTC from web -
I have no idea how this !minecraft server's online auto map works, but I think I'm filling in parts of it?
Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 03:36:41 UTC from web-
@scribus I have no idea what I'm looking at
@northernnarwhal It should be the map of the Minecraft server I'm currently on. If you click on jlbesq over on the right-hand side, it ought to take you to where I am.
Tuesday, 11-Nov-14 19:41:08 UTC from web
@spots Dat village generation doe......
I think I may be accidentally RPing a lunatic. !minecraft
Tuesday, 11-Nov-14 19:25:10 UTC from web