Someone Probably (elli)

  1. @liquidusmira At last, RDN is complete

    about a month ago from web in context
  2. Listen okay, it's been a minute since I've used this site.

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  3. @adiwan Extremely agree. It feels as though smart phones and tablets have become ever more restrictive. I do value the constant connectivity, but my phone could never possibly replace my computer.

    about 3 months ago from web in context
  4. @scribus second this, I switched to them a while ago. I haven't really gotten a chance to use them aside from a few small cuts here and there (which is a positive I suppose) but my experience with them has been positive.

    about a year ago from web in context
  5. @mushi Hey congrats! That's awesome

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 14:22:34 UTC from web in context
  6. @stephttleq Oh good I see some things never change

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 14:22:03 UTC from web
  7. @thelastgherkin Hey there. How's it goin

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 14:18:08 UTC from web in context
  8. Always pleasantly surprised to see this place still kicking

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 01:08:08 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 25-Jan-22 12:18:12 UTC from ban me pls
  10. Here's me with my biannual "I'm still alive" post

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-20 00:55:30 UTC from web in context
  11. I suppose I have to check in every now and then just to make sure you all still exist.

    Thursday, 27-Sep-18 10:24:50 UTC from web in context
  12. @tiff Can't imagine what else that could possibly mean.

    Friday, 02-Mar-18 09:57:05 UTC from web in context
  13. Wednesday has been cancelled due to a scheduling error.

    Monday, 25-Aug-14 20:55:55 UTC from web in context Repeat of spots
  14. @zazie While only I may be able to do saucy Kermit, saucy Kermit is able to do anyone.

    Tuesday, 27-Jan-15 22:57:40 UTC from web in context Repeat of thelastgherkin
  15. Metal is an actual real Soviet sleeper agent

    Thursday, 12-Mar-15 23:58:16 UTC from web in context Repeat of zeldatra
  16. @riley middle class white people be like "excuse me waiter this water is too spicy, can you get me some milk instead"

    Tuesday, 16-Jun-15 18:49:58 UTC from web in context Repeat of rarity
  17. @nerthos Bernie is the unstoppable candidate because he controls both the whimsy and optimism of Ernie, and the responsibility of Bert

    Wednesday, 10-Feb-16 02:55:27 UTC from web in context Repeat of rarity
  18. American Tiff taught me the horrors of capitalism

    Wednesday, 17-Jun-15 23:08:30 UTC from web in context Repeat of narwhal
  19. "i know im not one to talk but can you please ask "THE PAC IS BACK" to stop posting pacman erotica on the homepage."


    Friday, 03-Nov-17 01:48:38 UTC from web in context
  20. @jvmarts Hello and welcome! (Nice only 6 hours later, perfect.)

    Tuesday, 31-Oct-17 08:56:32 UTC from web in context
  21. That was easily the strangest spam bot I have ever seen.

    Tuesday, 31-Oct-17 08:53:34 UTC from web
  22. @bye Bye

    Thursday, 07-Sep-17 10:50:01 UTC from web in context
  23. Happy New Year!

    Thursday, 20-Jul-17 09:28:08 UTC from web
  24. Don't do it

    Sunday, 16-Jul-17 01:05:36 UTC from web
  25. Thank god that isn't true anymore.

    Sunday, 16-Jul-17 00:48:54 UTC from web
  26. @redenchilada To be honest there's a strong case for banning all of the old regulars because they make public incredibly new-user hostile 90% of the time. The site is incredibly cliquey and I'm not really certain of how to overcome it.

    Saturday, 13-Apr-13 22:27:22 UTC from web in context Repeat of ceruleansparkold
  27. @pandaexpress Tanks

    Thursday, 29-Jun-17 21:36:23 UTC from web in context
  28. I prefer my cake dry, like sand paper.

    Wednesday, 28-Jun-17 11:43:52 UTC from web
  29. @adamthephantump I was a reindeer with a glowing nose, then I died. Now I'm a spook.

    Sunday, 25-Jun-17 09:05:25 UTC from web in context
  30. @tiffany I'm gonna contact my old buddies at Equestria Daily and have them send everyone from those other sites here.

    Saturday, 24-Jun-17 23:09:33 UTC from web in context