so, anyway, i basically got a GF now. bet you didnt expect that
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 03:21:33 UTC from web-
@mushi Turns out, the trick all along was to find a girl who felt about weird academic guys the way you feel about bugs
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 20:09:10 UTC from web-
@nerthos she also said she likes the bug pics i send her, so it is all nice
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 21:16:07 UTC from web-
@mushi A match made in heaven, or france I guess
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 21:37:45 UTC from web-
@nerthos she is from brazil, 50ish km away from my house
Monday, 24-Oct-22 13:30:33 UTC from web-
@mushi Ah you're back home then? Nice, that's no more than an hour's drive away.
Monday, 24-Oct-22 14:41:18 UTC from web-
@nerthos road trip road trip roadtriP ROAD TRIIPPP!!!I
Monday, 24-Oct-22 17:50:34 UTC from web-
@scribus I would still go on an RDN roadtrip no questions asked, even though I'd probably have to shoot someone a few hours in at this point. Bonus points for a certain someone, in his own words, wanting to hit me with a wrench but 100% not brave enough to actually try if in the same room.
You're cool though, so we can eat fries after the fights die down.Friday, 28-Oct-22 06:20:54 UTC from web
@nerthos i've been since msay, but i will go to france again in the end of november, for the last time finally
Monday, 24-Oct-22 20:31:52 UTC from web
@mushi Hey congrats! That's awesome
Monday, 24-Oct-22 14:22:34 UTC from web
@mushi Right on, dude. Who has the longer hair? (serious inquiry)
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 21:03:24 UTC from web-
@scribus me, of course
Sunday, 23-Oct-22 21:13:19 UTC from web