St. Louis Park, MN, USA
http://bronykin.orgMatriarch, President and CEO of the Bronykin Alliance, a non-profit org launching a worldwide anti-bully, brony protection campaign. Seeking a co-star for YouTube vids. Email Companion.Anne@gmail.com if interested.
More details...Sarah Anne Smith (companionanne)
@caret7 I have a background in web design, blogging and social media. I have our website set up + facebook & twitter, but it's not enough. We need content, and I just don't have time to do it all. || So, animators, guest bloggers, artists, fellow social media mavens... Or anyone with a background in web development, non-profit organization, etc.
@caret7 The project is an anti-bully campaign, with a focus on bronies. My daughter is a bully survivor and she has friends and family members who are bronies. When I told her about the young brony who tried to kill himself, and wound up in a coma, because he was bullied for liking MLP, she wanted to help.
Anyone need resume fodder for job/career advancement? I really need help with my brony project. Whatever you need experience in, I'm sure I can find something tangible you can help with. Private message me, or email me (companion.anne@gmail.com). I won't be able to check my feed for responses. I'm sorry. I'm just doing too much and I need to be able to pull back for a bit.
So,,, I sorta feel like hell (not enough sleep or something) but my arm DOES feel better. [Thank You Occupational Therapy]
Leaving for OT soon... hope my arm starts feeling better :(
Monday, 22-Jun-15 17:36:54 UTC from web -
@mushi rawr! :)
@trawler Thank you.
@mushi The shortest answer: I'm struggling with unresolved emotional trauma, and I have Borderline Personality Disorder which compounds my inability to heal. So, every day is a bad day, but some days I'm better at ignoring it than others... today is one of the bad days.
@riley I spent a long time looking for the right Senpai. Never found anyone willing to take me on. Now I'm too old for that sort of thing. || I hope you find someone worthy of you dear.
@trawler Could be better... but I'll figure something out.
@riley Kohai, as in protege?
@mushi Kind of a rough day today... I'm working on a solution.
Hello, how is everypony?
@tiffany LOL
Rawr! Just checking in while I get some house work done before my daughter gets home... How is EveryPony doing?
Cuddle time thwarted by nap attack... I suppose I should get some writing done...
Wednesday, 17-Jun-15 01:37:21 UTC from web -
My bad guys are getting a makeover! #AmRevising #CampNaNoWriMo @CampNaNoWriMo ow.ly/OoQmO || Shrike: ow.ly/OoQtX
Tuesday, 16-Jun-15 17:12:34 UTC from web -
@riley Awesome! Thank you. Will contact you in private to set up the details.
@riley Sweet! This is me on NaNo:http://nanowrimo.org/participants/angelshrike - I don't see a way to add buddies on the Camp site. I am working on a quick edit now, but if you have time would you be willing to give me some feedback. I need the input of another writer.
@riley This is me (http://rainbowdash.net/url/824090) I'm finishing a psychological horror anthology. If you're into that sort of thing I'd welcome a buddy. What are you writing?
Anyone else doing Camp NaNoWriMo?
@mrmattimation That was my exact thought. Thank you so much!
What do you think?
And I was thinking of Vlogging my progress with diet and exercise for weight loss and personal health.
Thursday, 28-May-15 00:01:22 UTC from web -
I am overweight, very unhealthy, and very self conscious about my appearance... but I thought... 'well F it! I bet other people are struggling with the same things!'
Thursday, 28-May-15 00:00:56 UTC from web -
So, that being said. I had an idea for a Vlog earlier.
Wednesday, 27-May-15 23:59:52 UTC from web -
Sorry I've not been around much, I've really been struggling with the whole work/life balance thing. Since I'm mostly on the Rainbow Dash Network to raise awareness of my anti-bully/brony protection campaign, checking in here is in the 'work' time block. Work is often set aside while I focus my attention on my goals of getting healthy, writing my novel, and being a good mom.
Wednesday, 27-May-15 23:59:37 UTC from web -
Hey everyone, my Daughter and I did a short video about our anti-bully, brony protection campaign.
She's 11, a bully survivor and she's super cute. If you could comment to show your support, I'm sure she'd really love that.
Thank you,
Little One, RE: What's a Bronykin?: http://bronykin.org/?p=153Thursday, 07-May-15 00:57:03 UTC from web -
@derpy128 The second one of the reboots. I have always been a fan of the originals, wanted to KILL Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter for their involvement in the botched remake (then I wanted to kill them more when they conjoined with Johnny Depp and became the unholy trinity). I have to say I've been REALLY pleased with the reboots. I realize Hollywood gave up the ghost on original ideas years ago, so I'm at least comforted to know they can put fresh, creative spins on old ones. It's the entertainment version of repurposing ingredients in a Chopped basket.
offline for a bit... finally seeing that ape movie.