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!haiku haikus the new OS / Despite the link I've given / Three line Nippon poems
Haiku (haiku) group
For some reason I'm reminded of the Haiku days.
Friday, 30-Dec-16 00:23:24 UTC from web-
@actualrudolph Oh the !haiku days / Now dead but not forgotten / Perhaps to return
Now follow my moves,
And sneak around, be careful
Not to make a soundSunday, 11-Dec-16 20:50:42 UTC from web -
Because maybe-ee
You're gonna be the one that
Saves me-ee-ee-eeSaturday, 10-Dec-16 13:47:59 UTC from web -
Posting straight to popular, babies!
Sunday, 14-Jun-15 23:13:39 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet are all required reading in the US, and many read Macbeth as part of school as well.
@polarbear Ah, I'm not from the US so the requisite reading is a little different yet sort of similar here. I went through Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Tempest, and Hamlet for high school, but I've read many other Shakespearean works in my own time (my favourite overall might be King Lear, though Othello is also an incredible read).
@polarbear I also certainly hope you don't think I'm coming off as pompous, as I've been called that before and would hate to give off that impression. I just enjoy a fun reference to an artistic work of any medium as much as the next person here!
海賊は A pirate
ビールを飲んだ。drank beer.
鬼 起きた。An ogre awoke. !haikuWednesday, 08-Apr-15 23:03:20 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
Say what? Bobobo! / A what, say what? Bobobo! / A-get up, stand up!
Sunday, 29-Mar-15 23:21:31 UTC from web -
飲みものは The drink
オレンジ色だ。 is orange.
さばこうみ Desert sea.Thursday, 26-Mar-15 21:39:20 UTC from web -
Desu desu desu desu desu / Desu desu desu desu desu desu desu / Desu desu desu desu desu. !haiku
Thursday, 26-Mar-15 01:14:47 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@scribus weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb
weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb weeb
weeb weeb weeb weeb weebmonsutaa kaado! and orungano like this.
泳ぐから Because I swim
とてもねむいだ。I am very tired.
一分よ One minute.Thursday, 26-Mar-15 00:20:49 UTC from web-
@jakefromstatefarm I know the kanji was wrong, though.
@jakefromstatefarm Holy moly, you use such advanced kanji I can't read! Still, I like it.
@caret7 Took me a while to get that, I have a pretty good grasp on Kanji, I study on the internet a lot, but I can't get myself to remember much. Still fun, though.
月はいい The moon is good
目のような月、The moon is like an eye,
野菜上 above the vegetables.Wednesday, 25-Mar-15 23:54:49 UTC from web-
@senpai 1) yasai ue. It is nonstandard grammar, sadly. 2)Huh! have never seen that kind of sentence. My sensei taught me to write similes like this: "X wa Y no you ni VERB", which means X is VERBing like a Y.
@caret7 Moreover, "Y no you na X" means a Y-like X
@caret7 mine didnt teach it either :v. I was playing mother 1 in japanese and i i found that structure
大きい木 !haikuWednesday, 25-Mar-15 23:25:01 UTC from web-
@caret7 well "待" "持" are pretty simmilar kanji, just are "mochi" and "machi" themselves
@senpai The glory of Japanese -- I can fill up ten syllables with "red meat" and "big tree"
@caret7 for the glory of the niponic empire you could write someone is eating with hasis and people could thing they are eating with bridges
!haiku Flying above clouds/ Thud, plummeting Entropy/ mind align heaven
Monday, 23-Mar-15 20:51:02 UTC from web- caret7 likes this.
A paper-thin foam
o'er the hot lemon smoothie.
The stand is open.Friday, 20-Mar-15 04:10:34 UTC from web -
The orange light makes
moons on the jazz piano.
Fried eggs and Hegel.Thursday, 19-Mar-15 11:03:56 UTC from web -
Under the straw roof / ponies gather hearty meals. / The old mage just sits.
Thursday, 12-Mar-15 01:15:23 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
oldest leaves fall down / paste into muds in the grass / as winter grabs hold !haiku
- MetalTao likes this.
a cardinal lifts
onto the night's quiet wind.
a servant of Nyx?Wednesday, 28-Jan-15 03:31:13 UTC from web -
!haiku Read Kant through fogged lens. / On the small plate to my left, / a slice of brown toast.
Sunday, 18-Jan-15 21:54:16 UTC from web -
Turtle in fuzzy
white dandelion meadow.
Purple sun hits roof.Tuesday, 30-Dec-14 22:43:15 UTC from web -
!haiku Dark was the night 'gain/ Conglomerating into/ cesspool forgery
Saturday, 15-Nov-14 04:32:02 UTC from web -
Chinks off Dalí cliff / wash the stars with carbonate. / Cute bug bites kneecap.
Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 17:20:44 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
!haiku To compare the art/ it brings the light and the dark/ to be inspected
Saturday, 25-Oct-14 02:40:13 UTC from web -
Crystal-slab murk hole / starry mirror in morn hours. / Swallow, gasp, cough, choke.
Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 08:19:51 UTC from web -
Letter's I can't read / in astronaut pony's speech. / Curiosity.
Thursday, 02-Oct-14 18:50:35 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
@metaltao unless you say it as i do, the wrong way, yes it does.
@awlditzy Annoying little word has way too many vowels
@southernnarwhal a sort of side effect of tongues i used to speak, use "i" before vowels as "y". Example, the word for serious in russian is seryozno.
Pekingese sitting / on a PDP-7. / Lo mein noodles hot.
Sunday, 28-Sep-14 18:02:38 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
!haiku Three words rang through/ I can't express them, I do/ for brevity, don't use.
Sunday, 14-Sep-14 06:13:07 UTC from web -
!Haiku Clouds of light float up/ tinting the green and black sky/ a clear green emerald.
Friday, 22-Aug-14 03:46:10 UTC from web -
!haiku Write with abandon/ hurry, the sun making haste/ The horizon turns dark.
Tuesday, 19-Aug-14 00:04:39 UTC from web -
!haiku Painstakingly paints / on the thin rim of a bowl. / Magic staled. Abend.
Tuesday, 12-Aug-14 06:10:21 UTC from web -
@ellie AYE! Ahem !Haiku Through out time, pain flows/ I watched on with teary eyes/ I imagine peace.
Monday, 11-Aug-14 12:35:40 UTC from web