Group actions
!rdndrinkinggame drinkinggame takeadrink
Every time X says Y, take a drink!
The RDN Drinking Game! (rdndrinkinggame) group
!takeadrink every time pony should pony pony.
Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 19:37:23 UTC from web- Scribus repeated this.
@thelastgherkin That is suicide
Every time #getyiffed, !takeadrink. Every time !takeadrrink, #getyiffed. Repeat infinitely! DIE GLORIOUSLY!!
- Coltzerino repeated this.
@scribus My destiny awaits.
What we need is an RDN drinking game.
Thursday, 18-Dec-14 21:13:29 UTC from web-
@fyf You'd go out in a 420 blaze of glory
@fyf !takeadrink I believe it was....?
@thelastgherkin Every time Scribus is an hour late to the conversation, take a drink!
The overall iq of this website dropped at least 20 points a over the last minute
Monday, 25-Aug-14 02:31:13 UTC from web- MetalTao likes this.
- RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) and Someone Probably repeated this.
@bronyfan10101010 But, we are learning things, shouldn't it be going up? And, our Sq si going up high!
@northernnarwhal You're triggering me.
@bronyfan10101010 You're triggering the gun.
Equestria Girls Trailer Followup - Notable Points of Interest from the Trailer: We are getting absolutely swarmed with emails of did you see x in the trailer! so lets do one of those good old fashioned episode followup style posts specifically for it! Head on down past the break for a whole bunch of notable pieces, from background characters to Twilight Sparkle not being a pony. Sadly there isn't an HD version yet, so >
Monday, 13-May-13 16:10:08 UTC from Sethisto -
#rdndrinkinggame Every time @rarity complains about eqdpony, take a drink.
Thursday, 25-Apr-13 18:10:20 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I'm just doing @zeldatra's job for him
@redenchilada How about "Every time somebody complains about @eqdpony, take a drink?" !rdndrinkinggame
@fhqwhgads I guess.
*takes a drink*
Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 05:57:56 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg xD
@rarity There's more to the !RDNDrinkingGame than that, but it's pretty much the most popular rule lately. :P
@fhqwhgads because I made it m8
Also !takeadrink
Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 03:14:10 UTC from web -
Woo, !takeadrink! :D
Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 06:47:27 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 23:51:29 UTC from web
Oh, hell, !takeadrink XD
Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 23:40:54 UTC from web -
@samefron that's not a pony
Thursday, 04-Apr-13 06:03:17 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 03-Apr-13 21:02:41 UTC from web
Saturday, 30-Mar-13 12:45:37 UTC from web
One of the old !takeadrink things was whenever I expressed myself through drawings, I wonder if anyone ever died from that one alone. Or at least got alcohol poisoning.
Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 03:11:03 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
*Takes a drink*
Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 03:00:58 UTC from web-
@theglark "Take a drink whenever someone answers the question above the text input", I didn't make it up but the person I usually see doing it is currently banned so I'm filling in
Monday, 25-Mar-13 23:34:56 UTC from web
Tuesday, 19-Mar-13 18:48:37 UTC from web
@thelastgherkin I remember that fateful morning we spent deciding the rules for the RDN drinking game, of course I've forgotten most of them now...
Fillies and gentlecolts, it is now Tuesday all over the world. !takeadrink every time someone unironically posts an image of a pony lamenting 9/11, not realising how bringing stupid fandoms into real-world tragedies is incredibly disrespectful.
Tuesday, 11-Sep-12 10:02:40 UTC from web- Rarity repeated this.
@thelastgherkin That is just..... discusting
@thelastgherkin That one's actually good. I salute them for their work on that one.
@thelastgherkin that I see as a really respectable picture, by 9/11 standards.
Anypony posting something that makes sense...
Tuesday, 28-Aug-12 00:17:27 UTC from StatusNet Android- Desmond Roseluck likes this.
@anarchycarcino Read in the voice of Phil Ken Sebben.
@scribus Said in the voice of Stephen Colbert.
@anarchycarcino swag: short for swagger, meaning "to walk with a limp". so yes, the secret ingredient for swag is broken glass.
!takeadrink every time Rainbow Dash acts like a jerk. You will be mourned.
Monday, 18-Jun-12 13:15:52 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Only if yo watch that mare do well episode...
Somepony, please get me out of bed -_-
[b]Everfree Northwest Announces: Lee Tockar[/b]: We've been wondering, we've been waiting, and now the big convention out west has at last announced their first VA! A one-time sorrowful serpent is making his way through the Pacific to say hello. And rumor has it, this is just the opening of the floodgates. How wonderful! August is going to be an exciting month indeed. Here, let me not waste your time, and give you the offi >
Wednesday, 16-May-12 03:42:06 UTC from Phoe -
21 years old... Is it wrong that I feel absolutly nothing about the fact that I've reached this stage in my life? It's jsut another day to me. I feel nothing for it, infact, I'm going out tomarrow and donating plasma and filling out job applications. Nothing has changhed. Whats the point of being excited?
'evening everypony.
Tuesday, 15-May-12 02:22:26 UTC from web-
@scribus !takeadrink tag has been abused. Take two drinks and proceed to next page.
@eaglehooves Not sure if suggestion for rule or instruction because I used !takeadrink twice in one dash, so I'll drink anyway just to be safe.
@scribus Suggestion, but that's cool too.
i dont let my girlfriend play my ps3 for 2 reason : 1- i dont have a ps3. 3- i dont have a girlfriend
Tuesday, 15-May-12 02:05:24 UTC from web -
Anyway. Genderswap RDN. Go.
Sunday, 06-May-12 21:41:44 UTC from web -
Friday, 04-May-12 11:58:14 UTC from web-
@lunacymambo That's pretty much how !RDNdrinkinggame works.