scoot (scoot)
@tiffany what took the mods so long
Saturday, 19-Nov-16 20:16:16 UTC from ban me pls -
@scoot Prioritise comfort & knowledge over fancy big boy tools and features.
@tiffany To be honest, whatever program you are most comfortable with is probably the program you'll do your best drawings in.
@tiffany I'm still using SAI
Amy Rose !art
@mushi Alright, will do. I didn't this time since it was just a dumb comparison picture.
@mushi Thanks, I'm gonna try and paint over it tomorrow. I'll post it if I ever finish it.
Finished drawing today and realised I still had my initial MSPaint doodle open. (It's still a work in progress)
luigi !art
Thursday, 09-Jun-16 21:59:17 UTC from web -
How can I work somewhere like Studio Yotta when I've been staring at a blank canvas all day with no ideas. I can't even improve my own portfolio
Thursday, 09-Jun-16 15:58:31 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation Their standard of quality and ability vastly exceeds my own. If I felt like I was good enough I'd totally apply though.
@mrmattimation Thanks, now if I could only get a creative job so it'll all feel worth it.
My final result for my degree is a 2:1, which is alright. It's what I figured I'd get anyway
Finally had to resort to selling my stuff to make ends meet. Cool.
Thursday, 09-Jun-16 10:31:14 UTC from web -
@thelastgherkin rip me
I finished my film with 10 days to spare. Finally, I can die.
OK I give up, it's 3am and I managed to complete nearly all my animation. Good night.
Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:55:16 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation It took 10 minutes to open one of my files :)
Here's a pretty convincing argument against animating in Photoshop.
Literally can't watch back what I've made, preview is playing back at 10fps in Photoshop. Nice job Adobe!!
Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:20:42 UTC from web -
If I can get some minor edits my tutors requested done before I fall asleep, I'll be officially done with animating. Sorry to ramble on here about this because it's boring as hell, but I need to vent a little
@narwhal I could be wrong, but I believe classic Disney was on 1s, which is why it looks so beautiful and smooth. Nobody can really afford it anymore.
@mrmattimation If I had any money at all, I'd get a good tablet
@mrmattimation 3s will never look as smooth as 2s, it's slightly too slow for the human eye.
@mrmattimation I'm still using a busted old Bamboo tablet :(
@narwhal It's just "are you on 1s or 2s?", usually assume 2s though, 1s is ridiculous and 3s is choppy.
@scoot Obviously some of these are holds and I'm animating on twos, it's not 1 frame = 1 drawing.