Group actions
!bronycan canadian
http://www.BronyCAN.comA group for attendees of a Canadian Brony Convention
BronyCAN (bronycan) group
@purpletinker I see you at #BronyCAN !bronycan
@firestormdangerdash oh! who drew that?
@firestormdangerdash well, in the tuesday my classes are over, so i can get your draing done!
So I got VIP Dinner passes at !bronycan but did some charity with it. I am a pimp. Also. There are LIVE bunnies on the roof of the hotel.
@firestormdangerdash wee! congrats!
Pony themed alc drinks being served at hotel thanks to !BronyCAN #BestWeekedEver
@firestormdangerdash Aw man are you kidding me. I want to try some.
Who here is turtley enough for the !BronyCAN club? Cause day after tommorrow I will be in the heart of the Brony swarm. The lair of the pony. Um, something something darkside....
Only convention I might actually attend. !BronyCAN
Sunday, 14-Apr-13 06:27:07 UTC from web