Equestria Daily (eqdaily) group
So what is the !eqdaily group even for?
Wednesday, 29-Aug-12 22:37:47 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin It was made by seth so it's obviously meant to fuel his ego even though they want nothing to do with the site any more. I'd be tempted to delete it out of spite if I actually cared.
@redenchilada or something like that
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
I got a shout-out in an !eqdaily post again today. Does this mean I finally can become a real pony?
Thursday, 31-May-12 04:13:58 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies !eqdaily The BCIT Magazine news story is now in tonight's Nightly Roundup on EqD.
Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:48:37 UTC from web -
!eqdaily members, any of you indy ponies, trying to find some for meetups and junk
Wednesday, 29-Feb-12 03:10:44 UTC from web -
hmm. !eqdaily custom compilation 46 has 15 blind bag customs. 45 has 10. 44 has 6.
Friday, 17-Feb-12 17:35:04 UTC from web-
@zimzap I bet 47 will have 21
@the20percent definately a pattern.
@pony I decided to keep non-!anemi stuff off my pony blog and discuss things here- some topics-feel free to steal them I stole most from !eqdaily https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yFrd97lJ_5GsFKxYP-wpmodUouY9IFhhQjPZbYxPL2E/edit
Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 03:31:34 UTC from web-
@zimzap cool!
@mushi why don't you get another #papercraft? equestriadaily.com/search/label/Papercraft !eqdaily
Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 01:02:39 UTC from web -
!eqdaily Not sure how aware of Us everypony was We have an excellent contest going on at Calgarybronycon.blogspot.com and are looking for artists and vendors interested in table space for the fist Pony Con in Calgary Alberta Canada
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 17:25:11 UTC from web-
@calgarybronycon Ah, I see. To be honest, I don't think many actually look at the bot anyway, plenty class it as annoying.
@calgarybronycon If I had a million dollars. . . Or at least a car, I would so go. Of course I say that for every convention. *shrugs* One day...
@mrdragon The best kind of entity! It would never fight with you, always be around, never disagree, the perfect friend!
Got featured alongside other remixes on !eqdaily. #swag http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/12/music-more-becoming-popular-remixes_14.html
Thursday, 15-Dec-11 16:47:44 UTC from web-
@mrdragon Again, thanks. :D
@noizybrony Congrats! I'll have to take a look.
@eaglehooves Thanks, and please do! Worked on the song for a whole week and i'd appreciate it alot. :P
I just want to say thank you to !eqdaily for giving more simple PMVs a chance! My 12 hours making the King Kong song PMV has not gone to waste.
Tuesday, 13-Dec-11 09:17:54 UTC from web -
I'm still very surprised at the positive reaction to my "Till The World Ends" Mashup, which is now on !eqdaily. If you can't view it because you're in Germany, I have an alternate link here: http://post.ly/4BSww
Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 21:28:22 UTC from web- Scribus likes this.
So, is anyone here entering the drawing contest at !eqdaily ?
Friday, 02-Dec-11 02:43:01 UTC from web-
@xtux345 nah, I'm a writer. which makes me wish they did friend-offs still. do a fic based on a piece of fanart and do fanart based on fics. that was so much fun
My friend Dennis made another podcast? and I only learned about it just now via !eqdaily... http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/bunnycast-interviews-dennis-hu.html
Saturday, 19-Nov-11 21:04:00 UTC from web -
Welp, 3rd time, got posted on !eqdaily yet again! Thanks EQD! :D :D http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/music-evil-enchantress-i-think-im-ok.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9-9mujyo_Y
Saturday, 29-Oct-11 21:28:34 UTC from web- Milo likes this.
@jinny Awesome. can't wait to see it. :D
@william1cx2 Ohh. lol. ok. :P
@william1cx2 ty :D
Some content of mine got featured on !eqdaily for the one-year anniversary post! go check it out! :D http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/one-year-anniversary-celebration-time.html (thank you EQD team<3)
Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 02:13:54 UTC from web -
Die !eqaustrians wurden auf !eqdaily erwähnt! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/nightly-roundup-122.html#more)
Sunday, 09-Oct-11 23:00:21 UTC from web -
Finally... One of my creations made !eqdaily! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/video-seven-ponies-my-little-censored.html
Saturday, 08-Oct-11 08:23:19 UTC from web -
Congratulations to Equestria Daily for hitting the 50,000,000 Page views today ! =) !eqdaily
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 21:18:25 UTC from web- Izzy Rae likes this.
!eqdaily Happy 50 Million! :D
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 11:42:10 UTC from web -
!eqdaily is totally going to be way past 50 mil by the time I get home. CONGRATS IN ADVANCE!
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 11:02:29 UTC from web -
Nice , New Logo Equestria Daily it's so true ... !eqdaily http://ur1.ca/59e6d
Friday, 30-Sep-11 22:07:10 UTC from web -
Wow! Just one month after breaking 385k views per day, it seems Equestria Daily broke another big milestone. EqD is now getting getting over half a MILLION views per day! That's just insane !eqdaily
Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 04:15:17 UTC from web -
I'm on [ !eqdaily ] Equestria Daily again :D
Friday, 23-Sep-11 02:59:46 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies wahaha~! we have been posted on equestria daily's nightly round up xD.
Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 16:33:11 UTC from web- Jack Zhang repeated this.
@tigerdusk Yeah, that's more or less the plan.
@tigerdusk !vancouverbronies that we did,
Brendan likes this.
@eqdbot You know, I've not seen this, but I don't really get the concept. I find the appeal of the series to be its light-heartedness. I don't want a "darker version".
Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 14:55:42 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Awww x3 That's so cute.
@retl I also made this. http://ur1.ca/54pdo
delete_ likes this. -
@thelastgherkin I'd play that.
An updated EqD Bot to replace @sethisto? Sweet. Though I do suggest that @eqdbot should be a member of !eqdaily and possibly add the group tag to the end of posts. *Subscribes*
Sunday, 18-Sep-11 21:06:58 UTC from web-
@retl That's all well and good until Skynet takes over.
@ponydude2143: Ooh, good point, yes. Hrm.
Am I the only one who finds it awesome that !eqdaily did their 100th nightly roundup the same day that S2 premiered?
Saturday, 17-Sep-11 18:29:32 UTC from web- Evan Payne repeated this.
!eqdaily Lauren Faust pony is best pony.
Friday, 16-Sep-11 02:21:55 UTC from web- Scott and LyokoTravels like this.
@musicssound Good stuff >3
@tenmihara Good stuff is greater than 3? Agreed. Tag! You're it. *runs off behind a rock*
@musicssound That is exactly what Pinkie Pie would say; you win an internet! Now then, if only i could find you to give it to you
Apparently someone in BC (British Columbia, Canada) requested Pony art on a pizza box, cause 250 is a BC area code for phone numbers. (from the latest nightly roundup on !eqdaily)
Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 14:01:26 UTC from web