Chris Bell (mrdragon)
Goodness you are all still alive, HI RDN MY GODS YOU ARE STILL GOING?!about 2 hours ago from web -
@tiffany He could just have a general social issues, anxiety and such. Best place to find out is to see a psychologist.
@tiffany People can fake it quite well too, it's hard to prove unfortunately but there's been a few cases of using it for advantages
@critialcloudkicker Nah, it honestly doesn't sound to interesting.
@scribus Basically never!
@critialcloudkicker Not really, I'm just really anti social these days anyway, I never really click with anyone anymore.
@critialcloudkicker What choice do I got? Not a lot of people to talk to anymore I'm afraid to say.
@critialcloudkicker Canf get rid of me! Though reply I just pop in like once. A month, if that.
@ceruleanspark You butt.
@ceruleanspark Your face fits right now
@nerthos You guys had to deal with nothing compared to me, I had to deal with him nearly 24/7 in one to one chats and google hangouts for over a year where one week he'd have a sensible opinion and then ht enext he's be on a damn war path at the other end of the stick.
@nerthos Oh yes, I know that one all too well. I learnt to never believe a single thing that they said to be honest, and even then I was still surprised by some of the crap that came out of their mouth after we'd split up.
@nerthos Which one
@northernnarwhal That's the idea
@takeFluffle Puffakenji Then here's to hoping that I am thinking of the right person, to be honest I'm sure a lot of them didn't use their real name. After all, my Ex was Johnathan not Jessi.
@takecherryakenji Within that group yeah. Well, at least at the start of it anyway. As we all know by a year it had split, splintered and fallen in to many groups most of which hated the other. Oh. Those days. What the hell was I doing there/!
@takecherryakenji Oh. OH. You were the chinese letters guy!
@thelastgherkin No, go back to where you came from or I'm comig at you with the hairclippers
@northernnarwhal My English has never been the best. I do better with Drunk
@northernnarwhal I don't what. I meant bitters as in people whom bite. You know, chomp chomp.
@takegrapeakenji Huh. Odd. Whom were you around then?
@northernnarwhal Hey it's only true, you are all a little bit of me when I co ran the place. I made us all bitters
@takepapayaakenji Huh. Then how the heck have you found me.. wait. Aren't you the guy we had on the MC servre that was making that giant wall and strange mining system?
@takekiwiakenji For some reason I can't see you on the main feed. But nah, they are old memories so they don't do crud to me
@northernnarwhal I've been here long enough to know that is a lie
@takeFrankerZakenji Si, I was. With a Jessi/Tavi Bell. Aka an Ex of mine from a long time ago
@northernnarwhal That we alllll willllll. I generally just hide in mine
@northernnarwhal Well, we will see, I have commitment issues with sites these days
@mushi Go back to bed dad